Repair of linoleum own handsIf the linoleum in your house or office swelled, sometimes peeled off, then you can easily solve this problem with your own hands. How is linoleum repair carried out?

Various defects, such as swelling, waviness, peeling offlinoleum from the base, can appear for several reasons. For example, if mastic of low quality was used or preparation of a floor surface for linoleum gluing was given insufficient attention. In addition, if the conditions for the correct laying of linoleum are not observed, defects may also appear. Therefore, in order that later the linoleum does not swell, you need apply the mastic on the base with a uniform layer, smooth the linoleum smoothly or, if necessary, put a load on it.

Elimination of blisters is carried out so. Shilom should pierce the swollen section of linoleum, and then release the accumulated air. Next, the puncture site should be covered with paper and ironed with a hot iron. Also on this site you can put bags of hot sand. This method is suitable for repairing linoleum only if the linoleum was laid on hot bituminous or rubber bituminous mastic - this mastic melts when heated.

The second way is as follows: The swollen site should be cut with a knife and enter under a linoleum the solvent on the basis of which the adhesive mastic is prepared. Enter the solvent with a syringe. Mastic after that softens. Then the linoleum should be well smoothed and necessarily put a load on it.

If after all these manipulations the linoleum still does not stick, then the most likely the cause of this defect is the absence of mastic under the swollen area. In this case, you need to add a small amount of mastic through the cut. As a tool, a thin stick or pen is suitable.

Factory defects that can be detectedalready when rolling a roll of linoleum, it will be easier to fix if they come to the edges of the canvas. Therefore, when cutting linoleum should always take this into account.

If linoleum has come unstuck almost completely, it makes sense to glue each separate section,of course not. In this case, the linoleum is carefully removed from the base and cleansed of the adhesive mastic. Then the linoleum needs to be spread out in a spacious room with the back side up. The base is also cleaned of mastic, eliminates all the shortcomings, and then ground. When the primer dries, the linoleum is again laid on the substrate in the usual way.

Another defect, waviness, often due to the fact that the rollslinoleum were stored for a long time in bulk and took the form of an ellipse. Therefore, to eliminate the waviness, a roll of linoleum should be rolled out and let it ripen. For 10-12 days linoleum should level off. If after this period, the waves do not disappear, then you need to put the linoleum on a flat base and iron it with a bag of hot sand. You can even out the waves on the linoleum and in a different way. To do this, it is necessary to cut the required number of canvases, lay them so that the largest ones are at the bottom, and the smallest at the top. Put the load on linoleum for 7-12 days. After that, the linoleum will be leveled and will not cause trouble when stacking.

Linoleum in the house

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