Lauren Oliver "Before I fall"
The debut novel by an American writer Lauren Oliver "Before I fall" almost immediately after the release became a realsensation. The very idea of ​​the "Groundhog Day" used in the novel is not new, but we know that the number of ideas is generally limited, and much depends on the method of submission.

Probably, each of us in life made mistakes,which I would be glad to fix. But only often we realize our own mistakes and mistakes too late, when nothing can be changed already. And if you received chance to fix a similar error, do you think you could have done this?

Probably yes. And perhaps you would have stepped on the same rake. Or we could correct this mistake, while allowing a new one. When such a chance fell the heroine of the novel Lauren Oliver "Before I fall", she repeated her attempts again and again, but each time something did not work, and this led her to despair.

But let's start in order. Meet this Samantha - one of the most beautiful and popular girls inschool. She succeeds easily, in life there are no serious problems. Samantha's character is by no means angelic (but this is the sin of many beautiful and popular girls), she is fastidious and frivolous. In general, if you call things by their proper names, Samantha is a real bitch.

February 12 was to be just anotherthe day in her life. But it so happened that on this Friday Samantha died. However, something does not allow Samantha to go to the afterlife and keeps her alive. She has to to live this day seven times on the whim of some higher forces.

Again and again returning on the last day of hisSamantha painfully tries to understand how to save her life. Over and over again, living the day in which she died, Samantha discovers the true value of what she risks losing forever, with each new "revolution" the vital values ​​of Samantha are changing and her very personality.

about the author

Lauren Oliver was born to be a writer: she was born in a family of writers, grew up inatmosphere of creativity and from childhood experienced a passion for reading. Unable to part with her favorite characters, she wrote the continuation of her favorite books, and then moved on to writing her own stories. She also studied drawing and painting, ballet, singing, and was fond of cooking.

Lauren studied literature and philosophy in collegeChicago, then continued her studies at the University of New York, where she received her Master of Arts degree. For a while, Lauren worked as an assistant editor and junior editor in a major publishing house. For the debut novel "Before I fall" followed novel "Delirium", won no less popularity and became the first novel in the trilogy of the same name.

Quotes from the book "Before I Fall"

"Most of the time - ninety-ninepercent - you just do not know how and why the threads are intertwined, and that's fine. You will do good, and evil will happen. You will do evil, and good will happen. Nothing can be done and everything will explode. And only very, very rarely, when, thanks to a miracle of coincidences and coincidences, butterflies beat their wings exactly as needed, and all the threads are woven together for a minute, you have a chance to do the right thing "

"It's amazing how easily everything changes, how easy it isTo go on the road on the usual road and find yourself in a completely unexpected place. Just one false step, one hitch, one detour - and meet new friends or spoil your reputation, find a new guy or break with the old one. I never thought about it before, I could not understand it. I have a strange feeling that all these possibilities exist simultaneously, as if every moment we live a thousand other, different, superimposed moments on each other "

"It's amazing how much people change ..." As if in people there is nothing permanent. As if something is torn when you turn twelve or thirteen, or at what age you turn from a child into a teenager, then you become a completely different person. Perhaps even less happy. Perhaps even worse "

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