David Mercer "Drupal 6. Creating Reliable and Full-Featured Websites"

This book is devoted to the basics of using the new version of the popular system Drupal 6 with open source.
Drupal - Content management system with an opensource code, which is characterized by high reliability and stability, efficiency and flexibility in the construction of final solutions. Among the main areas of application Drupal 6 is particularly worth noting the following:
- Community Portal Sites
- Fan sites
- News publishing
- Internal / corporate websites
- Education
- International Sites
- Art, music, multimedia
- Social Networking Sites
Such topics as: installation and configuration Drupal in different environments, the basic functionality of Drupal,configuration and administration of the site, access control, adding content and building a user interface with themes, cascading style sheets and CSS. Attention is paid to such important issues as multilingual support, performance tuning, Using jQuery and site maintenance procedures. The presented example of the full development cycle of the website will help to better understand the material.