Managing a business career
Many can not live without buildingat least an unpretentious plan for the future. This plan is based on human needs and socio-economic conditions. Do you want to improve your economic and social situation? Then you should pay attention to business management.

Improve the situation This is to provoke one's career growth, whichwill ensure both social development and a stable financial situation. When applying for a job, you should evaluate your professional training, as the further development of your career will depend on its level. Carefully study the requirements of the company, and then compare with their skills. From everywhere and the conclusion - do not go for the work that is too tough for you.

To manage a business career was effective, you need to accurately determine the goals of the career. goal Is not only an area of ​​your activity,position and place on the ranks. These are just the reasons for which you gain the impetus to move forward. It is very difficult to determine the goal for yourself, but most importantly - the correspondence of the post to your self-esteem, the opportunity to constantly learn in the chosen field and the opportunity to freely raise children or do household chores.

Everywhere there are rules. Their presence is not an exception for a business career. Here are some of the most basic "iron" rules:

  1. Always choose an initiative and operational leader, since you will become stiff with an unpromising boss.

  2. Develop, refill the luggage of knowledge. Prepare for the fact that you will take a higher-paid position.

  3. Make a plan or schedule for each day and for the whole week. Also leave a place for your favorite activities and time for communication with loved ones.

  4. Everything changes, as well as knowledge, plans, skills. It is important to catch these changes, to go with the flow, and not against it. But do not get carried away, as the rapid development of a career (faster than colleagues) may not bring the expected result. Everything should be gradual.

  5. Any career decisions are a compromise between reality and desires, between your specific interests and the interests of the company.

  6. An organization is a labor market, but one should not forget about the external labor market.

  7. Leave only when fully convinced of the need for this process.

Career management begins from the moment you were hired for service (First step). The head uses special techniques that cover business and personal qualities. For example, attitudes toward work, level of knowledge, civic maturity, organizational abilities, leadership ability, moral and ethical traits. Each category has its own nuances, which the employer pays attention to.

Second phase - your plan for individual development. This is the current position held and all subsequent posts that you can take in the process of career growth. Here you take into account your qualities as a person, as well as a valuable employee, advantages and disadvantages, potential.

Third stage - Implementation of the development plan. This so-called coaching, which implies rotation by post,internships, self-development. It is necessary to constantly evaluate the results of work. You must not only receive new knowledge and skills, but also be able to use them in your work. Create for yourself some methods of monitoring this process.

Evaluation makes it clear how much you cope withwork, whether additional trainings and courses are needed. This is where you determine exactly how you fit the position and whether it makes sense to work further. Develop, grow in the field, work on new projects and increase your productivity.

Managing a business career
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