Rotation of staffRotation of staff (rotation of staff) - is the transfer of an employee from one division of the company to another, transferring from one post to another, sometimes - up to a complete change in the scope of activities. Then do we need such a move?</ p>

Staff rotation is sometimes necessary for the management of the company, and for the employees themselves. What exactly is the positive impact of staff rotation in company?

At first, Rotation of staff can serve as an excellent prophylaxis of professional burnout. When a person takes a long timethe same position, this can result in a loss of interest in the work. Often such employees are dismissed, hoping that they will be more interested in a new job. When you transfer to another position, the employee will receive new experience, new knowledge and skills, and productivity will increase.

Secondly, Rotation of staff helps to rally the workforce. It often happens that the employees communicateexclusively from their department, while the different departments are actually isolated from each other and sometimes even compete with each other. When the staff is rotated, the employees get acquainted with colleagues from other departments, learn how to work for a new team, cooperate and compromise. In addition, this is how communication between different divisions of the company is established.

Thirdly, Rotation of staff helps to prepare universal specialists. Why do we need such specialists? First of all, this helps to ensure the interchangeability of staff in the case of holidays, sick leave, etc. In addition, the employee tagging to a managerial position is often "chased" across all departments so that he can better understand the specifics of the company's activities and not then manage "blindly." It is useful to rotate and for yesterday's graduates of high schools - it helps them to determine the direction of further career development.

Rotation of frames is used and to prevent and resolve labor conflicts. If the conflict is brewing in the department or the conflict between employees is already rushing in full force, the transfer of one of the instigators to another department can help, perhaps it will get better there.

Also rotation of staff promotes the introduction of new ideas in the company. Often employees who work long hours on one and the samethe same position, are skeptical of all sorts of innovations, preferring to do everything "in the old-fashioned way." In this case, "new blood" and fresh ideas come at an opportune time. Rotation of staff can become alternative to dismissal when reorganizing a company. Instead of dismissing an employee whose position has become irrelevant, he is offered to try himself in another field.

Staff rotation is divided into several types. When circular rotation the employee for a certain period of time passes a number of posts, and then again returns to the old post. When irrevocable rotation the employee remains in the new position. When castling two workers of the same level change positions. Rotation can occur without any significant changes in the nature of the work; with a change in the nature of the work, but for the same specialty; on related specialty; for another specialty.

Of course, there is a rotation of staff and their "pitfalls." For example, it is worth making sure that The transfer will benefit the employee and the company. After the transfer, the employee may experiencedifficulties both professional and personal. Professional difficulties can be associated with the development of new responsibilities, and with a change in direction of activity - also with the fact that in fact it does not suit him. But even if the employee is coping professionally, there may be problems with adaptation in the new team.

In addition, it is important to remember that Rotation of personnel in the company is conducted on a regular, lawful and organized basis. This means that translations and transfers of employees to new jobs must be recorded in the staffing table. Thus the employee should be warned about transfer in advance.

Rotation of staff can serve the company well, but Before making a decision on the rotation of staff, one must weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the specifics of the company's activities and the individual characteristics of employees, whom you are going to transfer to a new position.

Rotation of staff
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