Adaptation of employees

Adaptation of employees plays an important role in the process of establishingrelationship between newcomers and the rest of the workforce. And on how fast and painless the adaptation of employees will be, depends both the efficiency of the work of newcomers, and the moral climate in the work collective.
Adaptation of employees is, in simple termsin words, the process of acquaintance of employees with the activity of the company in which they came, the process of changing their behavior in accordance with the requirements of a new environment for them.
In many modern companies there are both private and officially fixed procedures for the adaptation of employees, because today more and more leaders are aware of the enormous impact the newcomer's psychological condition has on his efficiency and productivity.
Conventionally, the process of adapting employees can be divided into four main stages.
On the first stage of staff adaptation the level of preparedness of the newemployee to perform their immediate duties. So, if a new employee, in addition to special training (HIGH SCHOOL, profile courses) also has experience working in a similar position, he will "get down to business" much faster.
However, one should not forget that in differentcompanies can apply different solutions to the same tasks. Therefore, even if an employee has previously worked in a similar position, this does not relieve the head of the need to familiarize the newcomer with the specifics of the company's work, with personnel, corporate rules.
On the next stage of staff adaptation Beginners are introduced to their duties onpractice. Depending on the type of work to be performed by the new employee, this acquaintance can take place at a special "training" place or directly at the workplace.
At this stage of adaptation, a new employee oremployees often "attach" to the mentor - one of the "old-timers" of the company. The mentor shares with his new experience, in practice it shows how to solve these or other problems. The mentor helps the new employee also "join" the team, feel part of the team.
In the period of direct acquaintance of the new employee with his duties, it is necessary to inform the employee about everything related to his work: about the daily routine, the structure of the company, etc.
The third stage of staff adaptation is effective adaptation. During this period the employee is already beginning to perform his duties, but, as a rule, it takes a long time before he has full confidence in his actions.
At this stage, a new employee is recommendedshow maximum attention, support and patience. It is necessary to regularly evaluate the results of the work efficiency of a beginner, to be interested in his own opinion about the work done. The novice should be aware of the criteria for assessing his effectiveness and he must be aware of the assessment procedure in advance.
The final stage of adaptation of employees is the functioning. At this stage, the newcomer moved to a stablework, copes with the set tasks, "caught on" in the team. Such a stage occurs in the absence of adaptation programs for employees only a year and a half after the start of work. If the process of adaptation of employees is correctly regulated by the company's management, then a new employee can function effectively in a few months.