To work after vacation
Vacation - the most long-awaited time of the year. Waiting for him, you wait, and he, as luck would have, ends so quickly. Do not have time to look back, as labor days begin. How to tune in to work after vacation knows the Land of Soviets.
It seems that after a vacation, a rested and relaxed person should come to work with new forces. And in practice it turns out that most people find it very difficult to get involved in the work process. Sharp change of the situation is fraught with stress, nervous tension and depression. And the brighter and more active you spent your vacation, the harder it will be for you to return to your work.
Sometimes the state of stress is so strong that people just can not stand the pace of work. According to statistics, the majority of applications for careis written just after the holidays. Some employees try to prolong their vacation, taking a couple of days at their own expense, or go to a sick leave. Of course, this does not apply to everyone, and most people still try to cope with depression and seriously tune into work after vacation.
According to psychological research, the reluctance to return to work after vacation is due to a number of reasons. At first, the rhythm of life changes. After all, many people go to work early enough, but during the holiday period it was possible to get up a bit later and find time for themselves. Secondly, a person, due to a change in the situation, develops a heightened perception. Coming to work after vacation, we see everything as if for the first time and we get used to everything that surrounds us.
No less important role is played by the fact that work requires a certain responsibility and achieving results. Morally tune in to this is very difficult. If you spent a vacation fairly actively, then after such a "rest" it is normal to feel slight fatigue. The body requires rest, but he is forced to work. Of course, there will be both stress and depression.
And the last factor can be the attitude tothe work itself. If a person likes what he does, work brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction, then it will be much easier for such a person to go to work after a vacation than to someone who can not tolerate his profession, job, team or boss.
As studies show, Men are much more difficult to endure the period of adaptation to work after vacation than women. The desire to meet colleagues, talk about where and how to spend a vacation, for a woman becomes a factor that facilitates the transition from rest to work and allows it to quickly enter into the usual rhythm.
So, how do you make it so that it's fully and painlessly to return to work after your vacation?
First of all, try, if it is certainly possible, break your vacation into several parts. It is much easier to return from less long-term vacation, and to know that this year you still have a few days left.
If you spend your holidays somewhere, try return home a few days before work begins, in order to acclimate, how to sleep properly, dismantle the suitcases, and mentally tune in to the upcoming work days.
Try to take a vacation so that the first day of going to work fell out in the middle of the week. Otherwise, the first working week can be unbearably long and painful. So let's better it will be a little shorter.
To work at home after vacation did not become hard labor, try in the last days of rest rebuild your rhythm of life. If you work at seven in the morning, do not sit up late in front of the TV and get up close to dinner. Otherwise, the chronic fatigue syndrome is guaranteed to you.
Before you go to work after a vacation try remember everything for what you love your work. Scroll through the memory of all the positive moments,related both to the work itself and to the work collective. Imagine how you show co-workers photos, tell about where and how you rested. This will help to return to their place of work with positive emotions.
Try plan your first working day in advance to trifles, be sure to scroll for a few minutes to rest every hour.
His free time, try to devote to pleasant communication, Walking, raids on nature or visitingentertainment activities. This will create the feeling that the vacation is not over yet, and will help you get used to the working rhythm faster. For women, exclusive therapy is shopping.
To return to work after a vacation without depression and nervous disorders, pay attention to your health: more are in the open air, eatvitamins, do morning exercises. To raise the mood will help black chocolate, as it raises the level of hormones of happiness in the blood - endorphins, which will help to cope with stress. And smile more often.