The pubertal period: the difficulties of rearing childrenYou, as the parent of the child, it seems that literallyyesterday you still took your child to a kindergarten. But time flies, and now your son or daughter is already going to school. The first class, the second, the third ... There are already up to teenage problems left. Do you think that this does not threaten you yet? Perhaps you are mistaken, after all pubertal period children begin early.

If in the last century we were taught that the puberty period (puberty) begins at the age of 13-15 years, now these time frames have greatly shifted. Modern children grow up much earlier. There are certain problems, because now there are not only changes in the body, but also in the psyche of the child. And you, as loving and caring parents, you have to be ready for everything.

The pubertal period in boys

Period of puberty in boys begins at 11-12, and ends at the age of 14-16 years. But this time frame can not be applied toall boys, because sometimes these "surprises" in the development of the child can occur even at the age of 9-11 years. And at this time in the body of the boy there are various changes, to which the psyche of the child may even be unprepared.

Everything starts with increase in the size of the testicles in which the male hormone testosterone is produced. Under the action of testosterone, the restchanges in the child's body. Externally, the changes will be noticeable very soon, as acne appears, the child begins to sweat, hair in the armpits and pubic hair grows, and eventually hair appears on the face. Also, under the action of the hormone, the vocal cords lengthen and thicken. Such changes lead to the fact that the voice of the child begins to "break down". Another natural change in the body of a child is a jump in growth. But by the end of puberty, your son is becoming a real man.

The pubertal period in girls

Girls have a puberty period earlier than boys. Usually changes in the body of girls are already beginning at the age of 10-11 years. If any changes began before 10 years, then parents should show the child to the endocrinologist. The puberty period at girls at the age of 16-17 comes to an end.

It all starts with the production of the hormone estrogen in the ovaries of the girl. It is this hormone that affects development of secondary sexual characteristics and sex organs themselves. Also under the action of hormones under the skin of a girlaccumulates fatty tissue, which helps to form the body of a child by the female type. In addition, hair begins to grow in the armpits and groin, develop mammary glands, lengthen the vagina and grow the uterus (although outwardly such changes are not visible).

Note that the mammary glands begin to develop and grow from 12 to 19 years. It all depends on hereditary predisposition of the organism. The first menstruation usually begins by the time when the formation of the mammary glands is completed. During the first year, menstruation may be irregular.

Difficulties of education

Sexual maturation of adolescents is a very difficult period for both parents and their children. Be prepared that Over the next 3-5 years you will have to face various troubles. And it all begins with the fact that children are becominginquisitive. They want to know what is happening to them. In addition, there is interest in the opposite sex. But the problem is that children can get the information they need from the Internet, from older children and from you. Often the information that children find on the Internet, or what their friends tell them, is distorted. Therefore, it is best for parents to tell them what is happening in the child's life at the moment.

Since it is a question of puberty, even before the first sexual intercourse is already near. Hence, it's time to introduce both boys and girls with condoms. Explain to your child why you need condoms,how to use them. Also indicate that the use of condoms will help to avoid unwanted pregnancies and not become infected with various infections.

Be prepared for the changes in the psyche of the child. At this age, your child startsto form self-esteem. And its formation, as is known, affects the point of view of others. Not surprisingly, it is now the adolescent crisis, when it is almost impossible to influence the child. Also, emotionally, the polarity of the psyche will be clearly expressed. So, your child will need communication and solitude. You can also notice the child's commitment and instability, his self-confidence and self-doubt, the desire to become independent and expecting help from parents, tenderness and cruelty, romanticism and cynicism, shyness and swagger in behavior.

Such changes in the child's behavior are normal, because he has a pubertal period. From the parents now it is required to give the child as much time as possible. A teenager should feel loved. But do not forget to control your child. Constant supervision can not be established, but try to keep abreast of developments in the child's life.

And the most important thing is that you do not forget respect your child's feelings. Do not laugh at the first love, but she, ratherin all, it will come at this age. And do not be afraid when your son or daughter goes on a first date. This is an integral part of every person's life. Remember yourself when you were the same. Have you not experienced anything like this?

The pubertal period: the difficulties of rearing children
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