The crisis in women
Age crises are susceptible to both men and women.women. Even a small child is experiencing crises of one age or another. The crisis of middle age affects the lives of men most of all. And what age crisis in women most affects the life of the fair sex?
Among all the crises experienced by any person, always distinguish one of the significant. It is these age crises that affect everyonethe person most. For men, the pubertal crisis and the middle-aged crisis are most important. In women, significant crises are slightly different. And all is connected not only with overcoming of some age boundary, but also with physical aging of an organism.
The first life crisis for women is teenage. Strangely enough, it does not manifest itself so much,as in men. This is due to the fact that the society always requires a much greater return on the boys. They are always much harder to deal with than with girls. That is why the pubertal crisis in women is completely unnoticed.
The middle age crisis in women is one of the most significant. At this time, each woman overestimates herself andlooks at himself from the side. What could she achieve, which of her desires was fulfilled? But not only these thoughts visit the heads of women at this time. Often a woman soon realizes that she has nothing more to achieve.
Unfortunately, crisis of 30 years for women is inevitable. This crisis in women appears on differentreasons: some have achieved what they wanted, others realize that they have lost a lot, and there is no way to make up for lost time. Yes, there are many reasons for such a psychological state.
The crisis of middle age can not be prevented, it can only be experienced. But the whole difficulty is that some feelThe crisis is not as acute as others. So, childless women, those who, due to circumstances, prematurely lost a child or husband, and self-critical personalities are experiencing a crisis very sharply. Those who, after everyday business, once have to raise their heads and overestimate their lives, the crisis is not so acute.
But on this crisis in the life of a woman should not stop. The woman does not have time to move away from the crisis for 30 years, as another person replaces him. The crisis of 40 years in women is knocked out of the usual life track. At this age, a woman feels that sheis getting older. Her children have already grown up, and because of this comes a sense of lack of demand. Also at this time, revaluation of values may occur again. And at this age, women are characterized by a heightened sense of guilt. But this complex is formed in every person since childhood, but most clearly it is manifested in women at this age.
How to overcome this or that crisis? The fact is that It is impossible to say definitely how to proceed. Each person is original, so that which suits one, for another can be useless. But nevertheless certain general recommendations exist.
Do not push yourself, give yourself time to deal withsituation. But if you are too long in this state of constant meditation, you have a reason to turn to a psychologist. After all, too long to experience any negative feelings or emotions is almost impossible. It is possible that under the guise of the crisis, in fact, you are hiding depression.
Try to take the crisis as a way to change your life. Perhaps you already would like to change something for a long time, but you still did not dare, and the routine life did not give you such a chance. Now it's time to pay attention and time to yourself.
Also, to survive the crisis will help you summarizing all your cases. Think about what you did to the end, and what remained unfinished? To quickly get out of the crisis, finish all your unfinished projects and deeds. It really helps you.
Do not stop communicating with other people. Talk more with friends and familypeople. But at the same time, think about which of the people you should stop communicating with. It is possible that you continue to contact only by habit, but the communication itself does not bring you any joy. Now it's time to stop this communication.
Remember, if you can not get out of the crisis, and possible apathy lasts too long, you should seek help from a psychologist. After all, if you do not find support in the family and among friends, you run the risk of losing both.