Day of the schoolboyBeginning of school classes is always a stress for the child's organism, after all the schoolboy has to rebuild to the working mode after a relaxed summer holiday. Correct school day mode help him avoid fatigue and ensure high performance.

What should the student's daily routine include? The main elements of the school day are:

  • study (lessons in school and homework at home);

  • Additional classes (circles, sections, etc.);

  • active recreation (preferably in the fresh air);

  • free time;

  • food and sleep.

It is very important that all these elements are harmoniously combined: none of them should "outweigh". Of course, study and extracurricular activities are important, but The regime of the student's day must necessarily provide enough time for rest. Also, you need to make sure that there are full meals in the daily routine, not only lunch and dinner, but also breakfast (it is often ignored, which is completely wrong).

Start the day best with morning exercises, it will help to wake up and recharge vivacity for the whole day, and after it you can go to water procedures. Before going to school, you must have breakfast, preferably something hot.

Upon returning from school, the child must necessarily have lunch and rest an hour and a half. And it is desirable that it was a holiday in the open air - no books, TV, computer, video games.

After resting, you can start doing your homework. The optimal time interval for the assimilation of information is the period from 4 to 6 pm. If the child is in the second shift, the homework should be done in the morning, after breakfast, and not in the evening after school.

Desirable begin with easier tasks, gradually moving to more complex. Every 30-40 minutes you need to take breaks of 15 minutes. During the break, you can do an easy exercise, drink tea, etc., but you should not spend it with a computer.

Usually doing homework takes 1,5-2 hours for junior schoolchildren, 2-3 hours forpupils of middle classes and 3-4 hours for high school students. If the child needs more time to complete his homework, this indicates either that he has problems with the assimilation of the material, or that the school has an unnecessarily heavy load.

Free time before bedtime schoolchild can dispose of their own discretion, but still parents should make sure that he does not spend too much time at the computer or at the TV. Also, make sure that the child does not stay up late and gets his 8-10 hours of sleep (depending on the age).

Some children (and adults, too) are "nedosyp" during the working week compensate for a long sleep at the weekend. However, sleeping too long is undesirable - it completely knocks down the regime of the day, and on Monday it's very hard to wake up, no matter howyou did not sleep well at the weekend. Nobody says that on Saturday and Sunday you need to wake up as early as on working days, but you do not need to sleep until noon.

At the end of the quarter and in the period of preparation for exams, the mode of the student's day often changes, but this can not be tolerated. The child should be engaged in the afternoon, instead of postponing studies until the evening and then until late at night to sit on textbooks and notebooks.

The regime of the child's day must take into account his age and state of health: it is very important to correctly distribute the load,so that the child does not suffer from fatigue. Therefore, making the daily routine schoolboy, advisable to consult a pediatrician. Note that for a first grader load must be reduced and rest time - increased: no less than 2.5 hours of recreation after school, short breaks every 15-20 minutes of training, a minimum of 12 hours of sleep.

Switch to the school routinestart a couple of weeks before the child goes to school. Few of the children follow the daily routine in the summer, so the transition from summer relaxation to the turmoil of school everyday life can be too harsh. therefore in August, you need to gradually begin to move to an orderly rhythm of life.

The correct mode of school day - pledge of good health and proper development, high productivity and good academic performance.

Day of the schoolboy
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