Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace

A child's homework is a common problemparents. Moms and dads complain of restlessness, inattention and vagaries of the baby. Children's psychologists say that it is still difficult for an elementary school student to seriously concentrate on the performance of the lessons - the sense of purpose and awareness will come a little later. At this stage, parents should try out the visual method of motivation - creating a comfortable working space.

Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace

Properly organize the workplace. Whether it is a table in the kitchen or a separate area in the nursery - it is important that the surface is clean, empty and well lit. Choose colorful and convenient organizers for storing writing materials, bookcases and capacious boxes - for books and exercise books. Explain to the kid how important it is to maintain order in your own things and delegate this duty to him - this technique will increase the level of responsibility.

Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace

Get comfortable and simple furniture. Vivid plastic transformers, of course, attract admiring children's attention, but they are not always ergonomic and safe for health. Standard chairs and tables-desks will last much longer and will be more versatile. Love for juicy colors can be embodied in the decorative design of the working corner: colorful soft puffs and a rest mat, desktop pencil case, pictures, posters and stickers chosen by the child, will perfectly decorate the space.

Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace

Set the mode. Periods of concentration should be replaced by small "changes" - for a light snack, warm-up or switching of attention. This will help clock and home schedule, compiled with the child. Make them bright, decorate with drawings and hang in a prominent place in the work area.

Neskuchnaya study: how to properly equip the student's workplace

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