What if the child does not want to play with other children?
![What if the child does not want to play with other children? What if the child does not want to play with other children?](/images/deti/chto-delat-esli-rebenok-ne-hochet-igrat-s-drugimi-detmi.jpg)
Each mother wants her baby to play with other children with pleasure, so that he does not fight anyone, and that none of the slanders offends him. But What if the child does not want to play with other children?
Before doing anything, one shouldfind out why the child refuses to play with other children. The reasons for the child's unwillingness to communicate with other children may be different. Sometimes children from the very first acquaintance with their peers do not show special interest in joint games. And sometimes this behavior of the child appears abruptly, unexpectedly, although earlier the kid did not refuse to play with the children on the playground or in the kindergarten.
Up to a certain age a child communicatespractically only with parents or other adult relatives. And this is enough for him. Communication with other children for the child is a novelty: now he is equal among equals. Therefore, he learns to establish new relationships for him and not always this process proceeds smoothly and painlessly. Children can quarrel, call themselves and even fight, as long as they learn to get along with each other.
Why does not the child want to play with other children? The reasons can be several:
- other children offend him;
- he is embarrassed by other children;
- he is bored and uninteresting;
- he does not want to share his toys.
If the child refuses to play with other children, because he is offended, it is very important for parents to find out why this is happening. What is the cause of the conflict? Is the child weaker and less than others? Or vice versa, is the first one beginning to offend weaker children?
maybe interests of the kid and other children on the site or in the kindergarten group toodifferent. If a kid outside the group or on another playground willingly plays with other children, then most likely, he does not like exactly those children with whom his parents try to make him. Do not impose friends on your child - let the kid choose who to play with.
If the child does not want to play with other children, because does not want to share with them toys, the task of parents is to teach him this. Explain to the child that if he shares his toys, then other children will also share their own.
Unwillingness of a child to play with other children manifests itself in different ways. Some children try to quietly play on the sidelines, being afraid to approach unfamiliar children. Others do not let go of their mother. The third immediately rush into the fray.
What to do? First, parents will have to understand that learn to play with other children for a child is the same as learning to read and write. Therefore patience and consistency of parents are important. You can not rush a child, make him communicate with other children by force. Do not blame and shame the child or, especially, give him the example of other children. From such "encouragement" the child's desire to play with other children is unlikely to increase.
But if the mother on an equal footing plays with the child, for example, in the sandbox, then she can demonstrate how nice to play not alone, but together withby someone. In addition, my mother can play the role of a "mass-entertainer" and come up with a couple of simple games for children on the site, in which children can then play independently.
![What if the child does not want to play with other children? What if the child does not want to play with other children?](/images/deti/chto-delat-esli-rebenok-ne-hochet-igrat-s-drugimi-detmi_2.jpg)
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