How do you know if a child is taking drugs?

Unfortunately, drug use by children andteenagers - is not uncommon. Therefore, parents should be very careful about the following signs, by which you can determine whether the child is taking drugs. It is not necessary that one or two traits in aggregate signal specifically about the problem of drugs. Perhaps this is due to other difficulties of adolescence. But when all or most of the following signs are present in the behavior of the child, this is a serious reason for parents to think.
So, what are these signs?
- The child (teenager) often began to disappear from home. He does not explain and does not motivate his disappearances, or "absences" with meaningless excuses. On all attempts of parents to find out where he is going, the child reacts with irritation, anger.
- The child is very much and often lies. His lies are unique, either completely primitive and monotonous, or, conversely, too florid. The child does not even try to make his lie less plausible.
- Circle of communication of the child has changed dramatically. On the questions of parents, where did all the former friends go, the child shrugs off, does not want to answer. New parents of their child parents can not see at all or these friends appear for a while, whispering at the door. Telephone calls of the child are "mysterious," he does not tell his parents who and for what reason he called.
- The child completely ceased to be interested in familybusiness and problems. He absolutely does not care what happens to relatives, even those whom he used to love very much and for whom he was worried. In relation to family members, the child became more cold and alienated, distrustful.
- The mood of the child can change dramatically and suddenly, and more towards the unmotivated irritability, outbursts of screaming and hysterics. A child is rarely cheerful and cheerful.
- The child completely lost interest in his previous studies. He does not read books, does not watch movies, but sitting behind a textbook does not even try to do homework.
- The child's sleep regime has changed dramatically. He then sleeps all day, then goes around the room at night, stumbling over objects.
- Parents began to notice that in the house money, values, things disappear. At first this can happen extremely rarely, and then - more often.
- Parents increasingly notice that the street childcomes home as if drunk, drugged. The child lacks sight, poor coordination of movements, he as soon as possible to aspire to disappear in his room.
In addition, there are external signs thatcan determine whether a person is under the influence of drugs. On the pupils it is difficult to determine whether the child takes drugs, as different drugs affect the pupils differently. The eyes of the person taking drugs change color. They seem to fade, become almost transparent. The pupils of a person under "high" do not react to light, in contrast to the pupils of a healthy person.
The appearance of a person who takes drugs is also very different. There is thinness, exhaustion. Drugs "eat" vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
Traces from a needle in a drug addict can not always be found, because they use syringes with very thin needles and try to do injections in inconspicuous places.
The final answer can be given by special rapid tests for one or more types of drugs. It is necessary to try to conduct such tests imperceptibly.
If parents have a suspicion that theirthe child takes drugs, they should not panic, try to quietly observe the child. Discussing with your child your observations, parents should not raise their voice, threaten the child. You can not believe a child if he says that he can solve this problem himself. It is necessary to try to persuade the child to voluntarily go to an appointment with a specialist.