When should I accustom myself to the pot and how?

What kind of mother does not dream of quickly accustoming her baby to go to the pot, when finally you can forget about the constant change of diapers? Parents who decided to teach their child to the pot are concerned with two main questions - when and how to start doing it?
The most important thing in the process of teaching a child to a pot is to start on time. That is not too early and not too late. In general, the natural formation of skills for using pots in children occurs in the period from 2 to 3 years. But all children are individual: someone studies earlier, someone later. In this there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is not to coerce the child, if it is not yet ready.
How to determine the child's readiness to learn how to use the pot?
your child is ready acquire toilet skills if:
- he imitates you;
- he manifests his independence with the word "no";
- he walks confidently, can sit down, bend down;
- he can feel the need to go to the pot and can somehow express this desire;
- he knows how to take off and put on panties;
- he remains dry during the day for at least 2 hours or wakes up dry after a day's sleep;
- he does not like to walk in dirty diapers and requires them to change;
- he understands the speech addressed to him, can express simple desires, utters the first words.
If it's about your baby, it's time to buy a pot.
How to teach a child to a pot?
The first thing you need to start learning is buy, actually, a pot. Choose a pot so that he liked the baby, was comfortable and stable. The surface for sitting on the pot should not be cold. The more comfortable the child will sit on the pot, the more successful the learning process will be. The child should not be afraid of the pot. Allow the child to study in every possible way a new subject for him: to touch, smell, consider. Show the child that the pot belongs only to him.
Put the pot in sight the child, best of all - on the floor of the room, in which the baby usually plays.
When a child is accustomed to the pot and does not treat him with caution, you can begin the learning process. For this first regularly once a day put the child on the pot dressed, just for a few minutes. Do not hold the child on the pot by force.
When a child gets used to sitting on a pot dressed, it can be planted on a pot without a diaper. The kid learned to sit on the pot quietly and nottrying to get off him? It's great, then the time for the next stage of training has come. Now put the baby on the pot after he "descends" into the diaper. Put the used diaper in a pot.
Next to you should learn to "catch the moment", when the child wants to go to the toilet. Plant the baby on the pot in the morning after sleeping, after eating, in the evening before going to bed, before and after a walk. If the planting was successful and the child made his "affairs" in the pot, then be sure to praise him. However, do not encourage the child too much, otherwise he will sit down on the pot just to deserve your promotion.
Allow the child to stay at home without a diaper. Praise the child for every independent attempt to sit on the potty.
Prepare yourself - first time "accidents" can not be avoided. In no case do not scold the child for these "accidents". It is better to remind him gently of the pot. Show that you are upset, but do not punish the child and do not force yourself to sit down on the potty.
In teaching the child to use the pot you are waitingmany tests. But if you treat your child with love, patience and understanding, you can accustom the baby to the pot without violence and coercion!
And how do you accustom your child to a pot? Are there any learning recipes? Share your experience!