How to teach a child to sleep in their crib?
In recent years, more and more parents are packingthe child to sleep in his bed. For the youngest, it is even necessary, because mom for them is a source of warmth, food and affection. But when the child is older, it is better that he had a separate crib. That's just a kid used to sleep next to his mother, can flatly refuse to sleep alone. How can you teach a child to sleep in their crib?

Of course, to those parents whobirth put the child to sleep in a crib, such a problem is not worth it. But parents, whose children have already become accustomed to a joint sleep, may need a lot of time and effort. It is best to teach the child to sleep in his bed gradually.

When is it necessary to teach the child to the crib? Approximately in 6-8 months, when the number of nightfeeding becomes less and when the baby can already turn in a dream, taking a more comfortable position for him, you can already begin to teach. Although it is perfectly permissible to begin teaching in a year, and in two, and in three.

When parents decide to teach a child to sleep intheir bed, they will have to be consistent in their actions. If, during the training of a child, to give in to him and go to bed next to his parents, then all efforts are wasted.

The first rule - The child needs to be put to bed at the same time. Going to sleep should accompany some specific ritual, which you need to spend every day. What exactly can be a ritual? For example, a light massage, a lullaby, a bedtime story, a picture book, a cradle of your favorite toys, and the like. The main thing in this ritual: it should be calm and not very long (10-15 minutes is enough).

After the ritual mom can sit with the baby, until he falls asleep, then departs fromcribs. If the child wakes up soon, you need to come up, calm him down, but (!) Without taking out of bed. Wish the child "Good night!" And again leave. If the child wakes up again, it should not be approached immediately, and a minute later and reassure him, explaining that my mother is next to be afraid. Gradually, the time should be increased, for example, up to 10 minutes. In the beginning, the child, it is possible, will wake up 10-15 times a night, but eventually it will happen less and less, until the child himself sleeps peacefully all night.

Very well helps the method of "substitution" for my mother. Under any pretext, my mother for a short whileleaves the baby's room, leaving him a favorite toy. Mom says: "Here, bunny, please look after our baby until I'm gone." Returning, Mom thanks the toy, for the fact that she "looked after" the baby. Gradually, the child gets used to sleeping with a toy, she for him symbolizes warm and caring mothers.

If the child needs to sleep in his / her bed inseparate from the parents of the room, then apart from the fear of losing a mother, he can experience the fear of darkness. To help the child cope with the fear of the dark, Mom can sleep in the room with the baby for a while, until he is sure of his safety. Also to help parents will come night light.

Some parents put the child to sleepwith him, and later, when he falls asleep, they carry him to the crib. If in the morning the child reacts to the absence of the mother is not very violent, then it is perfectly permissible to apply this method.

How else can you teach a child to sleep in their crib? For example, one young mother quite by accident"Invented" his method. When she decided that her daughter had to sleep separately, she ordered her a crib. The crib was brought in disassembled form, but the mattress was still not brought. Mom put the crib in the nursery and often said to the little girl: "Soon you will be sleeping here in a wonderful bed, just like an adult!". When two weeks later the mattress was finally brought, the girl herself wanted to sleep in a new bed, and without any hysterics. Thus, the exciting anticipation of something new helps the baby to get used to his crib soon. In addition, if the crib itself is like a child, then it will be much more willing to sleep in it.

Each mother herself feels what her child needs. If you do not ignore these feelings, and act inAccording to them, for the child this will be the best solution. Then the process of accustoming the baby to his crib will pass both for him and for the parents easily and with the least amount of experience.

How to teach a child to sleep in their crib?
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