How to teach a child to walk
Despite the fact that there are some generalizedstandards of development of children, each child develops at his own individual pace. We will tell, someone gets on legs and starts to go earlier, someone - later. Looking at how cheerfully the children of their girlfriends run, some moms are interested, how to teach a child to walk.

Actually, sooner or later the child will go himself when he is ready for this. Your task is to help him make the first step,be close and watch, so that nothing happens with your baby who knows the world. But do not try to teach the child to walk, because, in your opinion, he is already "time". If the child's locomotor apparatus is not yet ready for the loads accompanying walking, you will only harm him.

Before you go, the child learns to crawl. It is crawling that strengthens the muscular system, improves musculoskeletal functions. Just let the child crawl as much as possible, get to know the world around him, and eventually he will try to get up and go. To strengthen the child's body and prepare it for walking will help massage, gymnastics, swimming and other physical exercises.

To teach a child to walk, encourage his curiosity, stimulate the desire for walking. If the child crawls on all fours, showto him a toy or some other interesting object, keeping it above eye level. The Kid will try to get up to reach it. When he gets up, move the object a little further away so that the baby steps behind it. At first, do not move the object too far and stay close to the furniture that the baby can use as a support.

It is desirable that both parents participate in this: one holds the toy, and the second heals the baby. The fact is that some children even after a slight fall then very much afraid to walk, sometimes for several months. Therefore one of the parents should be ready to support the child.

But if the child still fell flat, do not rush to panic. Due to their small height and weight, children are insured against many negative consequences of the fall. So that if the kid just flopped on the ass, without hitting anything, do not scream, do not do it with a frightened expression - The child, perhaps, did not understand that something bad had happened to him, and his behavior you will definitely frighten him. Let him try to rise himself, it's useful.

but this does not mean that we should neglect the safety of the child. When the baby learns to walk, it is important to protect allsharp corners of furniture with special linings made of silicone, remove from the floor all items about which the child can stumble, close the sockets with plugs, take away medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, fragile and fragile objects, etc.

Some parents "help" the child to go, supporting him under the arm or using a walker. Supporting the baby under the arm is not worth overusing: it is unlikely you can keep it perfectly smooth,and an incorrect position of the body can lead to a curvature of the spine. You can hold the child by the forearms or hands, with one hand, you can still behind the hood. Take care that he does not fall back and do not bend his back.

Well and to walkers orthopedists usually are negative: the load in the walker is distributed differently thanwhen walking alone, so that walkers will not help teach the child to walk, but rather slow down the learning process. As support, you can only use the "wheelchair" toys, which the child can roll ahead of him like a baby carriage, leaning on them.

So, It is not necessary to set yourself the goal of necessarily teaching the child to walk by all means: the time will come, he will go himself. Perhaps it's just a peculiarity of his temperament: it is believed that active children begin walking a little earlier, and quiet - a little later. Your task is to provide the child with freedom of movement, encourage him to walk, walk more with him so that he can observe the people walking. Praise your baby, stay close, and sooner or later he will learn walking.

However, in some cases it is still worthwhile. If by the age of 11-12 months the child does not try not to walk, but even to stand with a support, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Also, you should be alerted if the child tries to get up, but stands unusually, say, only with crossed legs, or if he only walks on tiptoe - this may be signs of hypertonia.

How to teach a child to walk
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