How to save your passwordWhen visiting a variety of resources and registering for them, users have to constantly come up with logins and passwords and remember them.

Naturally, to keep so much datain my head it's simply impossible, so sometimes even from the site, classmates can forget access and then long and painfully remember it. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you save the password in Classmates and other resources that you frequently visit.

In general, by default the majority of modernbrowsers offer to save the password automatically, but sometimes this function is disabled, or when reinstalling the operating system or for any reason. Therefore, in order to save access to Classmates, you just need to re-enable the save function.

Let's start with the popular browser Internet Explorer. In order to save the password in theClassmates on the Internet Explorer, you need to select the "Tools" tab, then go to "Internet Options", where you select the "Contents" tab - "AutoComplete", you will need to click on the "Options" button and in the window that appears, put all necessary checkboxes. After that, you need to return to the site, enter the appropriate data, which the browser and offer to save.

In order to keep access from Classmates to MozillaYou need to find the "Tools" menu andclick on the "Settings" submenu. In the window that appears, select the "Protection" tab. Here you will see several options, next to which you can tick, then, by the way, in the future you will be able to view all your saved passwords. Among them, in particular, will be "Remember passwords for websites". All, now all the data will be saved, and all you need to do is go to the site and enter them, and when the browser query - confirm the save.

In the event that you regularly use Opera, you can use a specialpassword manager, which is implemented in this browser. To enable it, you must select the "Settings" menu and then select "General settings". At the top of the window that appears, select the "Forms" tab by clicking on the "Passwords" button, you can see all the saved accesses from sites that visited or edited them.

How to save your password

Also here you can fill out a specialA form that allows you to fill out the fields when you register in just two clicks. In order to save the password on Odnoklassniki in the Opera, you should click "Yes" when you enter the site in response to the browser offer.

In the browser Google Chrome there are no special differences in saving passwords from sites. In order to do this, you should open the "Settings" menu, after that - "Show saved passwords". In the appeared window you can, just like in Opera, edit passwords from different sites, add new ones or delete them.

Well, in order to save the password on the first input, it's enough just to answer "Yes" to the browser's question about the need to save the password.

It is worth noting that, despite the great conveniencethis function, in some cases it is not recommended to save your passwords in automatic mode. This is especially true in cases when you are not working for your personal computer, which is also accessed by other people. Since if you can easily save and see all the passwords, then other users will be able to do this if you have the necessary knowledge.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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