How to remove a program from your computer

Each user installs on histhe computer has a huge number of programs, so sometimes there is a need to get rid of one or more of them in order to save space on the hard disk or just as unnecessary. In this article, how to remove a program from your computer.
There are several ways to uninstall the software. For example, there are programs that consist of only one file. In order to get rid of such applications, enough delete this file: you need to select it and press "Delete", then click on the shortcut "Basket" right-click and in the appeared contextualSelect "Empty Trash" in the menu. After that, there will not be any traces of the program on your computer. In addition, the basket can be bypassed, for this you should again highlight the file and use the keyboard shortcut "Shift + Delete". A dialog box appears for confirmation of deletion.
However, there are larger applications that record information about themselves in several places on the hard drive. In this case, to remove the program from the computer, you must open the menu "Start" and enter into "Control Panel". Then select item "Installation and removal of programms" or "Programs and components" (depends on the version of the Windows operating system). A separate dialog box displays a list of all the programs installed on the computer.
Now In this list, select the application that you want to remove. Click on it. A dialog box appears, in which you will confirm your decision. Next, a special program opens, where you will be asked to select the type of deletion (full or partial), and also determine whether to delete the so-called save (in case of uninstalling the computer game).
Sometimes after such a removal procedure, newversions of a particular program are refused to be installed due to the presence on the computer of an earlier version that you allegedly deleted. As a rule, before the installation begins, a dialog box appears with the appropriate message.
In this case, in order to remove the program from the computer, you will need to clean the registry of the operating system. Typically, this procedure is performed using special applications, such as Glary Utilities, CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller. These software packages are distributed completely free of charge, and their interfaces are intuitive, which will allow any user to understand how to use these programs.
In addition, cleaning the registry can be done quite easily without resorting to any additional applications. You must enter the menu "Start" and select the command "Run". A command line will appear on the screen, in which you will need to enter "Regedit", then click the "OK" button. After that, the Registry Editor starts, where you need to enter the menu item "Edit" and select a section "Search". In the search string, enter the key,which is the name of the program and should consist of only letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. After the search results are displayed, you will need to remove all references to the program in the system registry. Next, we recommend that you restart the computer.
As you could see, removing the program from the computer is quite easy. Finally, it's worth telling about another method of uninstalling the software. Enter the menu "Start" and select "All programs", in the displayed list find the folder with the desired application and after you open it, find the shortcut "Uninstall". After clicking on it, the program for removal, which was mentioned above, will open.