How to make a screenshot?

Many PC users are interested in: how to make a screenshot? Screenshot (screenshot) is, literally, "a snapshotscreen ", which may be needed for various demonstration and presentation videos, lessons, etc. You can take a screenshot in several ways.
You can take a screenshot as standardmeans of the operating system, in particular, Windows, and with the help of special utilities, applications. For example, it's very easy to make a screenshot in Windows using the button «Print Screen», which is present on all modern keyboards.
You can take a screenshot using the "Print Screen" button in the following way. When the monitor you want is displayedimage "picture", i.e. open the necessary windows, programs, etc., you need to click the "Print Screen" button. After that, the "snapshot" of the screen will get to the Windows clipboard.
Then follows open an existing image editor - standard or additionally installed - andCreate a new document in it with the sizes equal to the sizes of the screen of the monitor (in pixels or millimeters, centimeters). It remains only to paste the image from the clipboard and save the document.
In this way, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen area. If you need, for example, to make the skin of the active window, then you should use the combination of the keys "Print Screen" and "Alt". The saved screen image is also placed on the clipboard and further work with it is similar to the above described method.
In cases where you need to make a screenshot of only a certain area, windows, special programs come to the rescue. For example, such free programs are knownsuch as Magic Screenshot, PrtScr, Simple Screenshot, etc. These programs give the user ample opportunities to select areas for "snapshots", editing screenshots, etc.
How do I make a screenshot of a video? If you want to make a screenshot of a video file,you can use the key combination PrintScreen + Alt at the moment when the window of the video player is active. Make a screenshot of the video can also feature almost all popular programs for video playback.
For example, popular video player Media Player Classic allows you to make a screenshot of the video in this way. You must start the playback of the desiredvideo file and press the "Pause" button at the desired moment of playback. Then go to the "File" menu and find the "Save Image" item. Further with the received image in a format .bmp or .jpg (on a choice) it is possible to work as well as with any other image.
This player also provides another interesting way to create screenshots. Take a screenshot of several frames at onceYou can use the "Save Thumbnails" option to save a video file. You can adjust the number of thumbnails in one screenshot, changing the number of columns / rows, the width of the created images.