How to do a relaxing back massage for men
It is very important for men to feelit is comfortable that their state of mind and psyche are in harmony. In this case, relaxing massage will be the right decision. Most men after a properly performed session feel a deep liberation and relaxation.
The technique of relaxing massage for men
It is recommended to start doing with the lungsstroking your hands all over your body. Such movements are simple in execution, possessing a good sedative effect. Next, arrange and bend your fingers, move in short movements, gradually covering the surface of the body. Receptions should be made from the top to the bottom, because if you do it differently, you get unpleasant feelings.
Slip your hands on the leg, without interrupting,go over the buttocks to the upper back. Massage your palms along the sides of your legs, moving to your ankles. Simultaneously, make a series of pleasant stroking movements from the head to the legs. Massage with your fingertips, while touching the body as gently as possible and lightly, but do not tear yourself away from the surface.
Lesson of back massage for men from fatigue
We begin with strokes in different directions. Your hands and the back of the man should be oiled with special oil. Use your own weight, lean forward, while maintaining a constant pressure. Performing receptions, you will feel small grooves on the spine, press them with your fingers.
Now divide your arms and move them downTo the sides until they touch the table. Swipe slowly and gently along the sides towards the shoulders. Actions on the lumbar region do best with the small pads of the thumb. Several times walk through the same place before moving on.
Preparing for the procedure
First of all, it is necessary to determine the place,where you will do a relaxing back massage. You need to worry about a hard but comfortable surface, soft sofas, beds are not suitable for this. Secrets in massage, as such, especially not. The main thing is to make the most simple movements gently, at the same time, delivering pleasant sensations to the man.
After carrying out of procedure of massage any personfeels completely relaxed. And in order to prolong the action, and pleasant sensations did not leave for a while, it is necessary to lie down after manipulations for 10-15 minutes, so that the back was covered with a towel or a sheet.
Relaxing massage is known for many centuries,so long that even a question arises who first thought of it. A theory is confirmed that he first appeared in China, India and Tibet. Proper back massage technique can help cope with the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. Contraindications can be cardiovascular ailments, oncology, temperature and various skin pathologies.
How to do a back massage to a man, every woman can learn by video lessons, for this it is not necessary to have a medical education. The main desire!
To see how to properly do back massage, you can on the attached video
Be attentive to men, make them pleasant surprises, and the best gift will be a relaxing massage, which will positively affect the overall health, his mood and well-being.