Massage with scoliosis in children
Children's scoliosis is a complex deformitythe spine. It manifests itself in the form of its curvature and incorrect position. This often threatens those kids who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The main thing is not to panic and do not let this problem run!
Treatment for scoliosis
Massage is the main method that canto save the child from curving the back. Gradually, having correctly passed the course of treatment, the main goal is achieved - relaxed strained muscles and tones weakened. But the main question arises: which muscles should be used?
The main procedure procedure
Begins massage against scoliosis from the feet, thenmoves to the hips and gradually - to the back. Given the varying degrees of the disease, and manipulation is tailored to each patient individually. The course is from 10 to 12 sessions. Repeat it is recommended by doctors 2-3 times a year, while individually reviewing improvements in the health and well-being of the child. Repeated courses update the mobilizing effect and all subsequent ones will already be more intense and lasting than the previous ones.
So, back massage starts:
stroke and three all the muscles;
on the stretched muscles, the grasp and plane movements of the hands are performed, palm sawing, stroking and pressing;
massage with scoliosis of 1 degree allows for easy patting and tapping;
At 2 and 3 degrees, the use of vibrating movements is prohibited, muscle stimulation is allowed;
massage with scoliosis of the 4th degree allows only rubbing the whole body.
The main tasks of the massage course for scoliosis:
normalization of muscle tone;
strengthening the skeleton of muscles;
improvement of trophism;
ensuring the stabilization of the feeling of fatigue, its gradual reduction;
elimination of pain;
correction and correction of both the spine and the whole body.
Any actions to treat curvaturespine - this is, uniquely, the work of professional doctors or masseurs who have experience with child scoliosis. Special training of a specialist is required, since all the tissues of a child's body are not yet fully formed and very plastic. In case of timely treatment, cure ailment can be much faster and more efficiently than in adults.
Particular care should be taken whenthere is an unpleasant combination of scoliosis and kyphosis, with special massing and patting. This manual therapy will have a more productive result, when the spine is only at the initial stage of curvature. To avoid deterioration and not allow the option of serious treatment, you need to carry out preventive actions and certain physical exercises.
Follow the recommendations of doctors, watch children,beginning already from an early age. Try to make them mobile entertainment interesting, so as not to let the back develop incorrectly. Do with the child gymnastics, show ingenuity, if possible, write it in the pool or on the dance. From an early age, a baby cot must meet standards, be equipped with a special orthopedic mattress. In any case, no matter what stage of scoliosis the baby was not, all the responsibility lies with the parents.
Health to your child, even back, and never get sick. How to properly do a back massage with scoliosis, will tell a video.