How to massage a baby
The birth of a child is a long-awaited and happyan event that involves a lot of pleasant troubles and serious responsibilities. That the baby grows healthy, strong and developed by age, you need a full meal and proper care. One of the mandatory procedures is massage babies. It helps improve breathing and circulation, increase muscle tone, strengthen the cardiovascular system and immunity.
There is an opinion that it is only necessary to fulfill itcertain health problems. In fact, this is not so. Of course, if there are deviations in the state of health and development of the child, you need to turn to specialists for help in this matter. But the newborn's massage is performed not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention. Such preventive procedure can be performed by every mother at home.
How to massage a baby
The first question that arises in the newly-madeMom: "When do the newborns begin to do the massage?". Most doctors are sure that you need to wait 3-4 weeks after birth, when the child gets stronger and gets acquainted with the environment. Definitely, the beginning of this event is necessary after consultation with the pediatrician and orthopedist. As a child, they will advise when to start a massage and what it should be - preventive or curative.
Before you massage the newborn,Nails on the hands should be cut short, so as not to injure the baby. Be sure to thoroughly wash and warm your hands, remove all ornaments - rings, bracelets, watches. The room should be warm, light and well-ventilated. Performing a session is required on an empty stomach or 1 hour after a meal. It is better to do it in the morning after sleep, when the child is alert and in a good mood. During the procedure, you need to talk with the baby or sing songs to him. Duration - 10-20 minutes.
In the process, you can use a baby massageoil or cream, as well as other special children's moisturizers, if the baby does not have an allergic reaction to them. Movements should be soft, you must perform them along the joints, do not apply force - the child should not feel pain. The procedure is from the head to the legs, first on the front of the body, then on the back.
Relaxing massage for babies is performedbefore taking a bath and sleeping, then the baby will calm down and sleep well. Here, only trituration and stroking are used. The kid should enjoy the touch of the mother, and not feel uncomfortable for some reason. Therefore, if the child cries, fits, dodges, it is better to stop the session. Always pay attention to the general health, well-being and behavior of the child, because there are times when massaging will not do.
Contraindications for massage of infants:
infectious and viral diseases;
increased body temperature;
inguinal, umbilical, femoral hernia, prone to infringement;
severe form of rickets;
congenital heart disease, serious disorders in the cardiovascular system;
tuberculosis of joints and bones;
blood diseases;
acute inflammatory diseases of the lymphatic system, bones and muscles;
open wounds on the skin, pustules and various rashes;
open form of tuberculosis;
If you decide to do your own massage to a baby, the video tutorial will become your assistant.
Here you will find tips and step-by-step instructionson implementation. Massage is an integral procedure for caring for a child. If there are no contraindications, and you see that your baby is healthy, feels well and has a good mood, bravely proceed to such a useful event.