Purification of the liver with drugs

Saturation of the liver with toxins leads tointoxication of the body and the development of cholelithiasis. To prevent this, we must try to maintain the body in a normal state and provide him with a high level of protection against toxic shocks.

It is important to know

Starting to engage in purificationprocedures for the liver, you must be sure that the bile ducts of the body are not clogged with stones and sand. Otherwise, choleretic preparations will cause these formations to move, which threatens the most disastrous consequences for your health.

Purification and recovery measures are carried out only with the permission of the doctor after a complete diagnosis of the body!

Medicinal preparations for the liver

Traditional medicine for "dispersal of bile" recommendsvegetable and fruit cleansing based on beet, cabbage, apples and melons. Also take herbal decoctions, fruit juices and berries. However, nature's gifts are used mainly with a preventive and fortifying purpose. For treatment of the liver, purging procedures are carried out with the help of medications.

Purification of the liver with drugs

Overview of preparations

For the treatment and strengthening of the liver, hepatoprotectors (eg, Essentiale Forte, Energil, Karsil) and homeopathic remedies (Galstena) are primarily used.

To improve the tone of the main "sanitary"body in the body with success using drugs on a natural basis - Gepatrin, Ovesol, Hepatamin, Legalon. These drugs are biologically active additives, so there are no side effects. They are absolutely harmless, provided that the patient does not have an individual intolerance to any component that is part of the dietary supplements.

Liver cleaning: drugs and effect

Essentiale forte

The doctor appoints the medicine when it is already visiblesome signs of liver dysfunction, but no pathological changes in the structure of the organ itself. Reception gepatoprotektora is aimed, rather, not on cleansing, but on preventive maintenance of hepatocytes - hepatic cells. The active substances of the drug, phospholipids, stimulate the restoration of the liver parenchyma, and also block the process of degeneration of hepatocytes into fat cells. Reception Essentiale prevents the formation of scars in the tissues of the body, the so-called fibrosis.

The course of treatment is from one to three months. The doctor selects a dose of the medicine individually for each patient, being guided by the patient's age and complaints.

Purification of the liver with drugs

Activated carbon

It is cheap, but, nevertheless, very effectiveThe adsorbent helps not only with food poisoning, but it is also an excellent remedy for liver detoxification. The drug is available and absolutely harmless. Who would have thought that ordinary activated charcoal normalizes the level of bilirubin, the concentration of bile acids and lipoproteins in the blood.

Depending on the degree of liver damagetoxins take coal from two to four weeks. A single dose of the drug is calculated based on the body weight: 1 tablet of the drug per 10 kilograms. For example, you weigh 65 kg. So, your treatment dose is six tablets of coal. The drug is taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, with a small amount of water.

Purification of the liver with drugs


The drug is a biologically active foodadditive, which includes everything to stimulate the process of bile secretion, prevent the growth of stones in the ducts of the gallbladder and soft but deep cleansing of the liver. Active components of Oatsola - oats, mint, immortelle, turmeric, flavonoids and vitamins - have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

The standard scheme of treatment with the drug is as follows: every day for a month you need to take 15 drops of Oatsola, with half a glass of warm water. The course is repeated quarterly.

Purification of the liver with drugs

The organism of every living being is subtlea self-sufficient system in which the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-purification are laid by nature. Therefore, it is not necessary to medically treat yourself - what medications to clean the body, only an experienced doctor will tell you.

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