Charge for the eyes
Vision is one of the most valuable gifts thatNature has done to us. This gift most of us takes for granted and does not care too much about how to save it. Meanwhile, such familiar things for us as a computer, television, books, bad habits, irrational food and bad ecology can very negatively affect our eyes. To save your eyesight, we suggest that you do a special exercise several times a day, which we will describe in this article.
Complex of exercises
If you are a worker of intellectual work and a greatspend some of your time on books or a computer, you must definitely rest your eyes. To do this, it will not hurt every hour to carry out certain simple activities. Let's consider them in more detail:
Close your eyes and relax, think aboutsomething very good. Sit for about a minute, then open your eyes and make them rotational movements in a circle first to one side, and then to the other.
Without turning your head, look first up, then down. Repeat this movement at least 10 times as quickly as possible. Then do the same, looking from left to right and back.
After that several times quickly blink.
Then draw with your eyes imaginary diagonals. Raise your eye to the upper left corner and lock it for a few seconds. Then, blink and look in the lower right corner. Repeat the exercise 10 times and change direction.
The next stage of charging involves relaxing the eye muscles. Rub your hands against each other and cover your eyes with your hands. Hold them for a few minutes.
Look to the distance, then squint your pupils, trying to look at the tip of the nose. Do the exercise at least 10 times.
Go to the window and select in the distance anysubject. Focus your eyes on it. After that, look at your palm, trying as closely as possible to consider the lines on your hand. Do this several times.
In today's world, you can meet manypeople who use sunglasses. There is an opinion that sunlight is harmful to the eyes, but it is not so. That the organ functioned normally, it needs to perform the work foreseen by nature, that is, our pupils should react to light, tapering and expanding.
In addition, one well-known oculist, Dr. Bates,believes that sunlight has a bactericidal effect, relieves the tension of the eye muscles, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the eyes and eyelids. Let's consider in more detail some solarization exercises:
Put your face to the sun and cover your eyelids. If the day is cloudy and the sun is hidden by clouds, use the light of an ordinary bright bulb.
Slowly turn your head to the right and left, so that the source of light affects the eyeballs from different sides.
Repeat the exercise about 30 times.
Close your eyes with your hands and sit a minute in the dark.
After that, you can repeat all the previous actions as many times as you want.
Preventive measures to maintain eye health
So that your eyes do not fail you, take care of your eyes from an early age. To do this, you must follow certain rules:
If you are reading or writing, place the text at a distance of 40-45 cm from the eyes.
Work only in bright enough light. In this case, the light source should be on top or to your left, without dazzling or casting shadows on a book or notebook.
Reading, writing and watching TV, lying on its side, is extremely contraindicated.
Keep the monitor screen at least 60 cm away from your eyes.
If you strain your eyes for a long time, let them rest at least 1 time per hour. The rest time should be about 5 minutes.
To find out at which distance it is safe to watch TV, multiply the size of its diagonal by 6. This indicator will be the distance at which the screen should be relative to you.
Very bad vision deteriorates bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
In this article we have collected useful recommendationsfor those who want to save their visual acuity for many years. Refuse bad habits, do exercises for the eyes and observe simple rules when reading, as well as using a computer and TV. We hope that our article will be of use to you.