Bloating: treatment with diet

Bloating or flatulence is a conditionexcessive accumulation of gases in the intestine. Normally, the volume of gas formed in the body is 0.9 liters (about 10-14 releases) per day, and the volume increases by two or three times in meteorism. Gases in the intestine are formed as a result of the vital activity of bacteria, which are necessary for a person for normal metabolism.

The flatulence is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • eructation;

  • feeling of heaviness or bursting in the abdomen;

  • cramping pain;

  • sometimes diarrhea or constipation.

Bloating: treatment with diet

Causes of flatulence

The causes of abdominal swelling are many, includingincluding individual characteristics of the organism. It is advisable to consider some of the reasons associated with the rhythm of life of modern man and the diet under abdominal distension:

  • frequent use of carbonated water in large quantities;

  • abuse of sweet flour products, legumes, cabbage or apples;

  • snacks "on the go";

  • dysbacteriosis in the intestinal tract, consequenceimbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the body. The reason for this can be treatment with aggressive antibiotics, inflammatory processes, chronic fatigue and much more;

  • violation of blood circulation in the intestine before menstruation, with hypodynamia.

Bloating: treatment with diet

Diet with bloating

Many complain about the problem of the formation of gases inintestines while traveling. As already mentioned above, this is due to stagnation and insufficient motor activity. After all, you have to sit in the car a lot or lie on the train. In such cases, the abdominal bloating diet will be based on the exclusion of all sorts of pies, biscuits and other flour products that are so popular on the road. In addition, do not eat any sweet and fatty foods. It is worth to drink hot tea, without milk and without sugar. Well, if there is herbal tea, chamomile or mackerel, but the usual black hard-boiled will do. Try to retire and do 20-30 squats, this will help quickly get rid of the gases.

All of the above can be applied in the ordinarylife while dieting with bowel swelling, adding it with lean broth and infusion of dill. Try to consume more liquid hot dishes that do not contain a lot of extra dietary fiber, that is, a material that is not digested by enzymes. It's all raw vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of fiber. Also, often dairy products are gas-forming, so for a few days, reduce their consumption. Of course, nutrition with bloating completely eliminates fast food from the diet. To eat it is necessary correctly, thermally processed food every 5 hours. These recommendations will help many suffering flatulence. But in cases of the formation of gases due to the presence of intestinal parasites or other pathological conditions, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Bloating: treatment with diet

Determining the cause of the problem is halfsuccess on the way to its solution. If the cause is an improper diet, with bowel swelling, then adherence to a diet will certainly help. Note that for each person gas-producing products are individual, for someone it is necessary to eat half an apple - and the whipping does not give rest, and for some people cabbage is not a hindrance. So watch your diet and listen to the body.

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