Why puchit belly
Who among us at least once in my life did not come acrossbloating? Very often, many people can not even understand the reasons for the discomfort. In this article we will try to understand why the belly is pummeling and how to deal with it.
Reasons for this phenomenon
Let's consider the most probable prerequisites for bloating:
Warmed up food. In some people, the intestine reacts to re-heated food by releasing gases. And if at home such a person has the opportunity each time to prepare a fresh dish for himself, then it is impossible to say about catering establishments. Therefore, if your body only accepts freshly prepared food, avoid eating in cafes, restaurants and other similar establishments. In addition, you should not buy semi-finished products.
Women of reproductive age sometimes sufferbloating during menstruation. This is due to some hormonal changes that occur in the body. The same problem is observed in some women in the pre-menopausal period.
The habit is fast and on the move can also becomecause accumulation of unnecessary air in the intestine. To avoid this, try to eat unhurriedly, thoroughly chew food and not talk in the process of eating.
The habit of constantly chewing gum is also sometimesleads to bloating. This happens for two reasons. First, in the process of such chewing a person swallows the air. Secondly, sugar-free chewing gum contains sorbitol - this substance promotes the formation of gases in the intestine.
Strangely enough, but the commitment to healthynutrition can also cause bloating. Just a lot of useful products contain coarse fibers, which cause this unpleasant phenomenon. These products include various cereals and legumes.
Some protein diets may provoke excessive gas formation.
Antibiotics are another cause of bloating. When you are treated with such medicines, they kill in the body both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. Because of this, the intestine suffers from microflora, responsible for the correct processing of absorbed food. As a consequence, some products cease to be properly digested.
In some cases, stress can also become acause poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract. No wonder there is a saying: "All diseases from nerves". Often worried people may have a so-called irritable bowel syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of stool disorders with the slightest nervous experience.
Preventive measures
To avoid flatulence, we give some useful tips:
When taking food, put aside all other things. Eat slowly and do not talk.
Try as thoroughly as possible to chew food, even if you are very hungry. Poorly shredded fragments of food the stomach digests much longer.
Use a liquid of pleasant temperature. When you drink an excessively hot drink, you take small sips and take a lot of air with your mouth.
If you often suffer from flatulence, if possible, give up soda and beer.
Drink from a mug or glass over the edge, without using ducts.
Try to do without chewing gum.
If you smoke, try not to do this directly after eating.
Exercises to eliminate flatulence
Lie on your back and lift your legs up. Perform movements similar to the rotation of the bicycle pedals. This will not only save you from the accumulation of excess gases, but it will also help you to squeeze the press a little.
Accept the prone position and bend your knees slightly. Then alternately draw in and relax your stomach.
Make yourself a massage of the abdomen. To do this, make a circular motion with the palm of the hand clockwise, beginning with a slight stroking and gradually increasing the pressure.
In this article, we highlighted the main causes of bloating and told how to get rid of this problem. We hope, our recommendations will be useful to you.
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