Fast diet for weight loss belly

Every day from the TV screen, they smile at usBeauty with the ideal forms, flat tummies and elastic bends. But in life, unfortunately, we do not always meet the desired ideals. Often the round abdomen is even more emphasized by the massive sides, removing which, you immediately visually reduce the abdomen. We suggest you try a very effective diet, which, according to reviews, will pull your belly and hips in a week.

The causes of excess weight on the stomach

Often we, without noticing that, start to typeexcess weight. First of all, the stomach begins to grow. There are many reasons for this problem. First of all, it's wrong nutrition. We are used to eating rarely, but a lot. And mostly - in the evening. Therefore, all the calories that we used in a day, our body simply does not have time to burn. Another reason - a sedentary lifestyle. Sport has long ceased to be an integral part of our lives. We spend weekends at the computer, and holidays - in front of the TV. And constant stress and regular lack of sleep not only disrupt the balance of hormones, but also lead to a malfunction of the entire body. Worsen the overall picture and bad habits: frequent use of alcohol and smoking. They slow down the metabolism.

The Basics of the Diet

Fast diet for weight loss belly

In order to make your press flat andit is necessary to exclude flour, sweet and fat from the diet. If possible, give up alcohol and smoking. In addition, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This will not only benefit your figure, but also improve your complexion and general condition. Also need to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It's good to go in for sports.

Obligatory products for a flat belly diet

Daily use plain water. Include in your diet fresh fruit: apples, oranges, pears and grapefruits. They should be fresh and better in the morning. You can also add them to natural yoghurts, make juices and smoothies. Very well burns fat on the stomach food rich in fiber. Therefore, in your menu must necessarily be whole grains porridge (buckwheat, rice), greens, sea kale, cucumbers, zucchini, white cabbage, etc. From meat you can choose chicken, beef, rabbit. Cook them for a couple or to boil, you can also bake. Remove from the diet butter and mayonnaise, for dressing salads, select olive or sunflower refined oil. Eat often and in small portions. The last meal should be no later than 18.00.

Menu for the week

The diet menu for belly slimming is enoughsimple and varied. Deficiency of sweet can be compensated with 1-2 teaspoons of honey. But coffee and black tea is recommended to replace herbal decoctions (mint, melissa, calendula). Here is the approximate menu for the week:

Effective mono-diets forabdomen and sides. There are several types. The most common are kefir, rice, buckwheat. They contribute not only to eliminating excess kilograms, but also to purifying the body of toxins. Observe mono diets should be from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Fast diet for weight loss belly

Helpful Tips

Fat deposits on the abdomen can signalabout all sorts of diseases, ranging from diabetes and ending with heart disease. Therefore, it is better to get rid of this trouble before it becomes a real problem. Start to exercise regularly. It does not matter what it will be - running or swimming - the main thing is that you get pleasure from this and sip of energy. Spend more free time in the fresh air. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day and do not worry about trifles.

Reviews of diets for slimming belly and sides

Fast diet for weight loss belly

On the Internet, on specialized forums, you canto meet a lot of positive responses about diets for slimming belly and sides. Women share their impressions, and most importantly - impressive results. It's important not just to give up, go ahead to your goal and you will do it all.

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