treatment of ovarian cysts
Today, many women hear a diagnosis from doctors: "Ovarian cyst". We will try to understand what a cyst is, and what is the treatment of ovarian cysts.

The cyst is a benign neoplasm. The word "cyst" is of Greek origin and means "bubble". I.e ovarian cyst is a benign bubble filled with water. Basically, the cyst is formed in the ovary itself or in its appendage.

Causes of ovarian cysts

Ovarian cyst can occur in women of any age, most often reproductive (20-40 years). The cause of the appearance of this tumor can be either hormonal disorders in the body women, and the inflammatory process, especially when neglected. Modern girls prefer clothes rather fashionable than warm and comfortable. That's what it is the main reason gynecological diseases, including ovarian cysts. Causes may also be a violation of thyroid function, early menstruation, infection.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts

Usually, Ovarian cyst is small in size. However, the woman does not feel any symptoms. In most cases, treatment of such an ovarian cyst is not required, as it resolves itself. But sometimes, the cyst reaches a large size. Then symptoms may be pain in the lower abdomen, violation of the menstrual cycle, severe pain during sexual intercourse. Another one symptom of ovarian cysts - bloating, a feeling of fullness. There is a feeling of tightness of the abdomen and nearby organs. If you notice at least one of the signs of an ovarian cyst - consult a doctor.

Complications of the ovarian cyst

Sometimes ovarian cyst may have complications.

Pus can accumulate in the cyst. Most often, suppuration is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen and high fever. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

Another fairly common complicationOvarian cysts - its rupture. In this case, a woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen and internal bleeding. There is painful shock, right up to loss of consciousness. At such symptoms it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. This complication requires an emergency operation. Also, the operation is indicated when the ovarian cyst leg is twisted. Blood supply to the cyst is broken and necrosis develops. In addition to severe pain in the abdomen, there is nausea and vomiting.

In order not to allow complications, need timely treatment ovarian cysts.

Treatment of ovarian cysts

To Determine if you have a cyst or not, the doctor appoints ultrasound. Analysis of ultrasound will show the size of the cyst and its type. Ovarian cyst can be follicular, dermoid, endometrioid. It can dissolve and arise again. it hormonal sign in organism. With this phenomenon, the doctor prescribes treatment of the ovarian cyst with hormonal drugs to restore the hormonal balance.

Patients diagnosed with an ovarian cystobserves during 2-3 menstrual cycles, depending on the course of the disease and the development of this tumor. At the same time, a woman should regularly perform ultrasound so that the doctor can control treatment process and catch any changes in the patient's state of health.

The life of the cyst in the ovary is 2 months. If the ovarian cyst during this time has not disappeared, but rather increased in size - it is recommended that it be surgically removed with the preservation of the ovary itself.
If you heard the diagnosis of an ovarian cyst, do not wait until it resolves, and do not try to treat it yourself. Address to the good expert.

Treatment of ovarian cysts is compulsory, otherwise the tumor can turn into amalignant. Do not forget to visit the gynecologist at least twice a year. Remember that this neoplasm can carry an asymptomatic character, but manifests itself already at difficult stages. Then treatment of the ovarian cyst will be complex and painful. And most importantly - prevent the appearance of an ovarian cyst: take care of your reproductive system.

treatment of ovarian cysts
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