Properties of Chokeberry AshberryAnd what do you know about chokeberry ashberry? Many of us are accustomed to a simple red ashberry, whose berries are liked to feast on birds in the winter. But in fact now it is a question of a black variety of mountain ash - the black-cherry tree, as it is called in the people, and its benefits. The country of the Soviets will tell you today on what useful properties of aronia you should pay attention.

Aronia is black-berry, or simply chokeberry - this a small shrub height of only 2 meters. Already in late August, the green berries of chokeberrybegin to acquire a black tint, but fully ripen fruits only in late September or early October. Its characteristic sourish-sweetish taste of berries of chokeberry is acquired after the first frost.

The birthplace of the black mountain ash is North America. In Europe, aronia came only in the XVIII century, and into the territory of Russia in about 100 years. And in this case, before the scent was considered only decorative shrubbery. Agree that the bush with black berries onbackground of red foliage will become an ornament of any garden. True, hungry birds quickly overeat the aronia, as its berries are very tasty. Have paid attention to useful properties of chokeberry ashberry only in the beginning of the last century. Since then, chokeberry aronia has been used in medicine for the preparation of medicines for hypertension, and for the production of colorants. And in cooking, aronia also became popular. From berries of black cherry they prepare wines, tinctures, liqueurs, juices and even cook jam!

Now let us dwell in more detail on the use of black chokeberry. Berries of aronia are a real storehouse not only vitamins, but also micro- and macro elements. In the fruits of the black chokeberry,vitamins A, group B (B1, B2, B3 (or PP), B5, B6, B9, or folic acid), C, E, K and P. Most appreciated is the black chokeberry for flavonoids, i.e. vitamin P. Only 1 gram of berries is enough to make up for the daily need of a person in this vitamin. In addition, vitamin P is well absorbed due to the presence in the berries of vitamin C.

In berries of chokeberry rowan contains a number of necessary macroelements for the body. it Potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and sodium. Do not forget about such trace elements as manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper, fluorine, iron and iodine, which are also found in the fruits of chokeberry. Among the other substances that make up the berries of chokeberry aronia, it is possible to distinguish tannic substances (it is due to them in the aronia, such a tart flavor).

The properties of chokeberry ashberry have long been used to treat various diseases. But especially well show themselves berries of chokeberry with diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, the initial stage of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Also, aronia is good for use to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and with poor blood coagulability.

Berries of chokeberry aronia possess diuretic and choleretic properties. Broth from the leaves normalizes the work of the liver, which contributes to better excretion of bile.

In violation of thyroid function it is also very useful to eat berrieschokeberry. And all thanks to the high content of iodine. By the way, aronia stimulates the work of all body systems, including immune systems, which allows you to rarely get sick with viral diseases.</ p>

For disease prevention is recommendedto use berries chokeberry in a fresh form. Keep the berries fresh for a very long time, because they contain substances that prevent the reproduction of bacteria. You can also dry berries, then to brew tea from them. Such a vitamin drink will help you avoid avitaminosis in winter.

But still forget that aronia has contraindications. Because of the large amount of ascorbic acidthe berries of black mountain ash are not recommended for hypotension and angina pectoris. The use of berries helps increase blood clotting and, as a result, the formation of blood clots. Also, it is required to reduce the consumption of berries by a sick stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcers and gastritis. During the period of acute illness, it is strictly forbidden to eat berries of black ashberry.

And remember that no matter how useful the chokeberry, always consult a doctor, whether it is possible for you and in what quantity to eat berries of chokeberry.

Properties of Chokeberry Ashberry
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