The skin is scorched in the sun. What to do? Recipes, masks, tips

You're scorched in the sun and do not know what to do? The face, arms and shoulders are unbearably burning, and the nose has turned red? We offer several useful tips and recipes on how to treat a sunburn.

Solar burns are very dangerous and can lead toincrease in temperature and even fainting. Nevertheless, people continue to disregard the elementary rules and constantly receive them. For example, everyone knows that you can not sunbathe in the period from 12 to 16 hours, when the sun is at the peak of activity. And how many times do doctors remind you of the need to apply protective agents to the skin? After all, sunburn is stress for the skin, especially if it is very light.

The skin is scorched in the sun. What to do? Recipes, masks, tips

The first sun bath should not be longer than 15minutes, you can gradually increase them to 30. If you used sunscreen, you can stay in the sun for an hour. Then you need to take a break. After you get out of the water you need to wipe yourself with a towel, water attracts the sun's rays and speeds up the tanning process.

What to do if the skin is burnt

  • Drink more fluids. Now you need it especially. It is better to drink clean water without gas. It replenishes the supply of moisture well. Coffee and alcoholic beverages are excluded.

  • Vitamin C. Products rich in ascorbic acid(citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach) will help to restore good health. Do not be superfluous and vitamin E (nuts, olive oil), which contributes to the regeneration of the skin.

  • Anesthetics and antipyretic. Taking such drugs as: aspirin, analgin, paracetamol will help you reduce body temperature and relieve the pain.

  • What to do if the skin is burnt

  • Creams and sprays based on panthenol. This substance penetrates deep into the skin and restores it. Excellent fights with burning and redness.

  • Cool shower or bath. Relieve pain and soothe the skin. Periodically sprinkle the scorched face with thermal water with the addition of lavender oil. Forget about soap, scrub or a loofah - in the next few days you will not need them. Also you can not use perfume and deodorant.

  • After Shave Cream. Surprisingly, this cream improves the conditionskin and speeds up the recovery process after burns. In addition, it is recommended to use a cream, which includes shea butter, scarlet, coconut or palm oil.

Mask Recipes

The skin is scorched in the sun. Mask Recipes

  1. 3 tablespoons of ground oats pour hotmilk (water) and leave to cool. After this, apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin and hold the mask for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and wipe with lotion.

  2. We rub the cucumber on a large grater and apply the mush on the burns. You can simply cut it in half and wipe the skin.

  3. Low-fat kefir or sour cream is mixed with olive oil and egg yolk. We thoroughly mix and process the burnt areas.

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