How to make a waist thin?
Thin waist Is the dream of every woman. And if the contours of the body are not perfect, and the waist is not as slender as we would like, then, of course, we need to try to fix it. Can I reduce the waist? Do we need special exercises to make the waist thinner? About, how to make a thin waist, tells the Land of Soviets.

Earlier, to make the waist thin, women resorted to various tricks: they pulled themselves into tight corsets or evenremoved the lower pair of ribs, trying to look as slim as possible. Fortunately, such times are a thing of the past, and today women have much more humane ways of making the waist thin.

For a slender waist, there are various physical exercises and special diets. Also in the fight against extra centimeters helpspecial wraps for weight loss, intensive massage. In addition, to make the waist thin, you need to take care of and remove fat from the stomach, make it flat. In this case, also complex exercise and healthy nutrition will be useful.

Correctly combining the available ways to make your waist slimmer, you can achieve excellent results, but remember that very much depends on the individual physique: no diet and exercise will not help, if the body type, the waist should be a little more than the coveted 60 cm. How can you check whether the waist is optimal for your own body type?

There is a very an interesting way to test the "optimality" of the waist. With a normal physique, it is necessary to subtract fromits height (in cm) is 100 cm - as a result, the resulting number will be equal to the required waist volume. For example, with an increase of 170 cm, the waist volume, according to this calculation, should be 70 cm.

How to make a waist thin with exercise? For this, traditional exercises forstrengthening the back and the press, as well as an indispensable assistant of women - hulauch (hoop). That's just the approach to the exercises you need special. The fact is that if you just press the press daily, your muscles will surely strengthen, but for the waist it can not have a positive effect: the muscle mass will grow, and with it the waistline too.

therefore exercises for the thin waist are recommended to be carried out to the extent of intensive, the load should be increased gradually. Do it regularly, not allowing yourself to "mess". Before the start of the exercises, it is important to do warm-up, warming up the muscles well before doing more "serious" work.

To make the waist thin the various slopes, as well as oriental dances, since it is insuch dances work well abdominal muscles, buttocks, thighs. Intensive classes of oriental dances help to remove excess centimeters from the waist and, moreover, contribute to the overall improvement of the contours of the figure and the development of self-confidence.

Often, women refuse to do any exercises for the abs, fearing to increase and so not enough thin waist. But To be afraid it is not necessary, the general physical loadings on all organism will promote burning of fat in the whole body and, at that, at the waist. And since fat is the "culprit" of large volumes in the waist, then with fat loss it will be easy to say goodbye and with extra centimeters at the waist!

How to make a waist thin?
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