How to quickly remove fat from the sides and abdomen, exercises for women

The problem of a dangling "skirt" over your beloved belttrousers are familiar to many women. And those who already struggled with such a problem know that removing fat from the sides and abdomen is not so simple. Normal exercises for the press are often ineffective in this part of the body, and the spiked hula-hoop is not suitable for everyone. But, fortunately, there are quite a few simple exercises that will help make the lower back tight in the home.

We remove fat from the sides - diet, wrap, cosmetics

Certainly it is not necessary to remind that the mainthe principle of getting rid of fat is a properly selected food. But the use of special clothes for weight loss often raises questions. Belts with the effect of sauna or wrapping food film really help to burn fat more intensively, but they should be worn only for the duration of training, because such a "thermos" and lack of ventilation are not very useful for internal organs, especially for women.

Use of anti-cellulite creams and gelscan also improve and speed up the result, but when applied under a film these drugs can clog pores and cause a rash, in which case it is better to stop using them and to refrain (at least temporarily) from wraps or special clothes. Also, there are often questions about the intensity and frequency of training. Many in pursuit of harmony tend to train daily, but not any exercises are suitable for this.

That the result of training did not becomeonly drawing pain and discomfort, it is better to perform exercises every other day, or alternate power and aerobic (or cardio) workouts. The number of repetitions in the approach is individual, but it is important to find the golden mean - the number of times that the muscle will be sufficiently developed, but will not be injured. For example, the most optimal option is 15 repetitions after you feel a tangible burning sensation in the sides.

Exercise for women on the sides of the gymnastic ball

For such lessons, as you understand, you will needlarge inflatable ball. For many, he stayed after pregnancy, so if you do not have one, you can ask your girlfriends who have recently become moms, or replace them with "padding materials" - a padded stool, a soft chair or a big soft toy, the main thing is for you to be comfortable. The exercise is as follows:

  • Lower abdomen Lie on the ball, feet up against the wall, his hands behind his head, and we start to put together a "lock".

  • Then lift the body up and down again.

  • It is extremely important to ensure that the legs remain in their original position (knees should only be slightly bent), the hands were in the "lock", and the body did not rise higher than before the parallel with the floor.

The recommended number of repetitions is 2-3 sets of 30-40 times.

Exercise for women from the "Cobra" pose

For this exercise, you only needgymnastic mat. If you want to increase the load and further work out the leg muscles (which in this exercise are also involved), you can use weighting for the legs. The basis of this exercise is the position of the "cobra": the legs and, if possible, the pelvis are pressed to the floor, the knees are straight, the toes are stretched, the back is arched perpendicular to the floor, and the hands rest against the front for support (you can first rest on the elbows). From this exercise, we alternately take each leg back and to the opposite side, twisting the body. It is important to ensure that the amplitude of the movements is maximal, not decreasing towards the end of the approach, and the abdominal and lumbar muscles are in tone. The recommended number of repetitions is 3 sets of 18-20 times per foot.

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