How correctly to remove a stomach or belly?

A neat tummy tummy looks very aesthetically and sexually, and that's why many girls and women try to remove the stomach in whatever you do. How to remove the abdomen correctly? Can I clean my belly quickly? What are the exercises to remove the stomach? To all these questions, the Council Country will tell you the answers.
To properly remove the stomach, you first need to understand that the approach should be comprehensive: Exercises and diets alone will not succeedto achieve the desired result. The combination of proper nutrition, exercise and special procedures for skin care of the abdomen - that's what is needed in order to properly remove the stomach.
Some women want to clean the stomach quickly. However, in a short time it is simply impossiblebring the metabolism and your fitness form back to normal. Therefore, various techniques that help "remove the stomach for 3 days" - this is a trick, because in 3 days you can only slightly reduce the volume in this part of the body, but completely remove the stomach will not succeed.
Nutrition tips for those who want to properly clean the belly may seem trivial, but they do notbecome less effective. Observance of simple rules in nutrition will help to normalize the metabolism and improve the body, and this will lead to a decrease in the stomach.
Thus, it is preferable to eat smaller portions,but more often, you should try not to eat fatty, smoked, excessively salty and spicy food, fried foods, you should limit or completely eliminate the use of various confectionery products.
If you eat right, then properly remove the stomach will be faster. But, of course, physical exercises are also needed. To clean the stomach, experts usually recommend performing various exercises for the press, as well as "twist the hoop."
Exercises for the press there is a lot, and it's best to choose exercisesindividually, after consultation with a personal trainer. If there is no possibility to make an individual exercise program, and you need to remove your abdomen correctly at home, it is recommended that you observe several general rules.
In exercises for the press the correct sequence of involving the muscles of the abdomen is important. First, you need to load the muscles of the lowerpress, then exercises for the oblique muscles are performed, and then for the muscles of the upper press. Combine the exercises for the press can be with restorative exercises, stretching, massage - all this will help in addition to burn fat deposits, hence, the fat layer on the stomach will also become smaller.
Exercise for the muscles of the lower press. You need to lie on your back, put your handsparallel to the floor, legs bend at the knees. Then, on inhalation, you should raise your legs without bending, and after a brief pause in exhalation, lower them to the bottom. Execute the exercise for 3-4 sets of 15-20 times.
Exercise for oblique muscles of the press. It is necessary to lie on your back, bend your legs inknees, hands lay behind the head and spread apart. On inhalation, it is necessary to raise the legs (not bending) at an angle of 90 degrees, and then lower them from the right side to the floor. At the same time, the knee should touch the floor. On exhalation, you need to raise your legs again and return them to their original position. Similarly, the exercise is also performed for the left side. Do a full exercise need 15-20 times for 3-4 approaches.
Exercise for the muscles of the upper press. You need to lie on your back, put your hands alongbody, legs bend at the knees. On inhaling, it is necessary to lift the body and arms up, the loin should remain pressed to the floor. On exhalation it is necessary to return to the starting position. Exercise is performed 15-20 times for 3-4 approaches.
In addition to nutrition and described exercises help to properly remove the stomach is also different additional procedures. For example, wraps from algae or other wraps for weight loss will help reduce the fat layer in the abdominal area, exercises with a hoop will help make the waist slender.
Properly remove the belly This is a rather complicated task,known belly refers to problem areas, which are most difficult to "correct". Therefore, only if you put all your efforts and efforts, if you are not afraid and not be lazy, you can achieve a truly flat stomach without harm to the body.