How to quickly remove the sagging belly after exercise - exercise, diet, mood
Pregnancy and the birth of children are pleasant, and inalso time is a rather difficult period in a woman's life. And one of the moments that overshadows the joy of motherhood is the changes in the figure after the birth. This is especially true of the stomach, which often does not want to return to its original form. For many women, this leads to real desperation, but with purposeful and systematic efforts and, first of all, desire, this problem may not be easy, but it is quite successful to be decided.
Complex approach to the problem of the "postnatal" abdomen
Everyone knows that during pregnancy, the skin andthe abdominal walls significantly change their shape and volume, and therefore it is difficult to imagine any miraculous methods that will help to get rid of the stomach instantly and effectively. Returning a flat and beautiful belly is a kind of work, only absolutely without days off. All the activities associated with this process are very simple, but they must be performed in a disciplined and regular way, otherwise the restoration of the stomach can be rather protracted.
And, of course, taking care of your figure shouldinclude not only exercise on the press or the rejection of biscuits, it is extremely important that the struggle for an ideal stomach includes three components - proper nutrition, a regular set of exercises and a positive attitude. The last component is no less important than the first two, but many neglect it, and very vainly. It is extremely important to understand and convince yourself that having a beautiful figure after giving birth is not only possible, but also quite realistic, so be sure to set yourself up for everything.
We remove from the stomach from the first days after childbirth
Certainly, troubles with a small child are notleave time and energy for almost anything, but you can not and do not need to perform complex and lengthy exercises at first. Quite simple and non-demanding methods - keeping the abdomen in a constant tone and "invisible gymnastics", and, of course, special underwear and a postnatal bandage are quite suitable. Keep a belly always tight - a useful habit that positively affects any figure.
Do not forget to follow this help a simpleway - tie an elastic waistband around the waistband so that it does not tighten much, but still makes the muscles contract a little, and wear it all day without taking off. Also useful at first are imperceptible and extremely simple exercises - just compress the abdominal muscles with a comfortable intensity 7-15 times.
How to quickly remove the stomach with a diet
Girls who are accustomed to apply for weight lossstrict diets, it will be difficult to reconcile with the fact that after birth, this method is unacceptable. The classic rejection of flour, sweet and fatty has not been canceled, but such nutrition may not be very effective in combating the stomach.
A good alternative to a diet can be regimesfood, which do not require the rejection of products - separate meals (when the products of different groups should be consumed at intervals of two hours) and fractional meals (the food system in very small portions 6-8 times a day).
Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth
To effectively clean the abdomen after childbirth, it is worth remembering that the exercises should be aimed not only at the abdominal muscles, but also on the lower back and the stabilization of the muscles of the abdomen and back.
Exercises of this kind there are many, and you can choose any known or new ones. For example, simultaneously training the muscles of the abdomen and back will help such a simple exercise:
initial position - an emphasis on the knees and straight arms with a straight back without a sag, from this position we tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks as much as possible to 8 scores, and so 15-20 times with breaks of 5-7 seconds.