Pain in the ear: what to do

Pain in the ear: what to do? Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that it seems likeThere are no medicines against it. Pain in the ear often causes terrible discomfort. Firstly, the ear pain itself is very unpleasant, and secondly - it gives to the head, therefore, depending on what kind of ear hurts, right or left, the whole side of the head begins to hurt painfully.

Pain in the ear can be caused as a common cold, and seriousdisease. Pain in the ear can be associated with sore throat, with inflammation of the nerve endings of the ear or with a severe headache. Otitis is one of the most serious ear diseases, with the treatment of which it is impossible to delay. An ordinary cold is also a bad thing. Complication of the common cold and can cause otitis. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, caused by an infection that penetrates the body with weakened immunity or as a result of improper antibiotic treatment. If otitis can not be treated, you can:

  • to lose hearing;

  • to earn meningitis, brain abcess, labyrinthitis and mastoiditis;

  • become a victim of chronic otitis media.

If you have any pain in the ear, do not remain indifferent, considering that the painitself will pass. The first question, if there was a pain in the ear: what to do? The sooner you start treatment, the less risk you have for getting a complication. It is best to immediately use a warm compress of alcohol or camphor oil. To do this, moisten any rag in one of the above liquids and attach to your ear. Always rewind the head with a bandage. It is not necessary to go to bed with such a bandage. It will be enough to do it twice a day, changing the cloth with the liquid. If you have a hat with a fur hat, you can wear it to increase the heat. By the way, warmth for the ears is the main healer, so try to keep the sick ears as warm as possible.

Use ear drops. These drugs include substances containing phenazone, salicylate, ice caffeine, phenylephrine, benzocaine. They are able to cure otitis media at the initial stage of its development.

You can use antibiotics, but remember that their incorrect usecan lead to complications of otitis, exactly as this problem and is the cause of otitis. If you have a fever, use paracetamol-based tablets. You can use various antipyretic, but not very fanatical, because allergic reaction can go.

Do not calm down, if after the procedures with bandages, antibiotics and drops, pain in the ear is gone. If from the ear oozes pus - Do not continue to engage in self-medication. It is better to diagnose the problem with a doctor, because the wrong treatment can not only cause otitis media complications, but also loss of hearing.

In the hospital, using your otoscope, you examine your eardrum and thanks to pneumatic otoscopy - the presence of fluid in the ear.

Pain in the ear: what to do? It's known home medicinal plants, for example, aloe, begonia, chlorophytum and geranium. Aloe can be used as a drop, and the remaining plants need to be grinded and inserted into the ear for 2-3 hours. It is better, of course, to rewind the head, as in the case of a bandage. In addition, as drops, you can still use the juice of walnut leaves and ordinary lemon. Such drops relieve swelling and redness. Do not forget to warm your ear in all cases. Take care of your ears, because they allow you to feel the world fully.

Pain in the ear: what to do
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