How to deal with muscle pain after training?

All lovers of practicing in the fitness club have ever faced the problem of unpleasant pain after exercise. Special attention is not paid to them, they say, will get sick and stop. In addition, immediately jumps the idea that if it hurts - it means that today I have done a good job, I made slopes, presses, more than anyone!

And it does not matter that tomorrow morning the whole body,as wooden, you can get out of bed only with a crane, and walk on the steps - in general something of the realm of fantasy. Of course, if you are accustomed to always be a drummer of labor, then this is good, but only in the workplace or in your favorite summer residence. In training, such fanaticism is useless.

The pain is different. In fitness there are two types of natural and, in principle, safe pain for health. The first Is the pain in the muscle when performing the last andusually the most severe repetition exercises. It is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle. Accumulating, lactic acid causes in the muscle an unpleasant sensation, very similar to burning, and the further, the stronger it is.

In general, the accumulation of this organic matter inthe muscle itself is safe. After you put the sports equipment aside, blood almost immediately flushes lactic acid out of the muscle, and it appears in the general bloodstream. The total acidity of the blood rises, and this has a stimulating and rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

The second Is a muscle pain that comes muchlater, on vacation. It is caused by microscopic ruptures in the muscle fibers. These are tiny wounds, they cause pain. Dangerous pain occurs due to injury, it is aching, sharp. Sometimes a tumor or bruise occurs at the site of the injury. If during the exercise you hear clicks or crunching in the joint, be careful, they can mean that before the injury is near.

But how to avoid all these troubles? Some experts say that the warm-upbefore classes and relaxing muscles after them - the right way to prevent pain. It is also recommended to stretch the muscles after each strength exercise. If the muscle is damaged during training, it is best to apply ice to prevent frostbite - wrap them in a towel.

If in the process of training everything went without injury, then to relieve muscle tension is goodTake a warm bath, but on condition that not less than 12 hours have passed since training. Heat accelerates the flow of blood and promotes relaxation and healing. Also there are warmers, ointments, creams, balms, which have a warming and relaxing effect.

In the case if any injury was still received during training, then heat is recommended only afterof how the swelling subsides, that is, about 72 hours after exercise. Very well on the body in this state is a massage. After training, you get the impression that you feel every cell of your body. Massage promotes blood flow, which helps restore acid balance in tissues.

Some athletes with many years of experience are confident that The best way to get rid of the pain is again a sports load, but easy. It warms the muscle tissue, sothe pain is significantly weakened. To reduce the risk of pain and injury, you need to strengthen the body with vitamins and special fitness supplements, which contain the substances necessary for an athlete for normal training with full impact.

How to deal with muscle pain after training?
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