The Benefits of AsparagusAsparagus is known to mankind alreadymore than two thousand years. This delicious vegetable is used in dietary nutrition, because the useful properties of asparagus help in the treatment of many diseases. What exactly is the benefits of asparagus?

The genus Asparagus contains several species of plants, but in food use asparagus ordinary (asparagus, asparagus, medicinal). Young asparagus shoots are eating with the head still blown. Most of the nutrients in the shoots that do not come from under the ground (they can be recognized by white coloration). Going out of the earth, shoots become green-purple and part of the nutrients lose.

Asparagus shoots have low nutritional value, but differ excellent taste qualities and significant content of vitamins. This is the benefit of asparagus forslimming: it contains few calories, but it helps to smooth out such a negative consequence of many diets, like vitamin deficiency. In addition, asparagus can be cooked a variety of dishes, so that the diet will be varied.

But the benefits of asparagus is not only in its dietary properties. Asparagus contains many useful substances that favorably affect the condition of many organs and help in the treatment of a number of diseases. Thus, young shoots of asparagus contain proteins,carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids (argin, lysine, asparagine, etc.), vitamins (provitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, E), micro- and macro elements (phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium, selenium, manganese , copper, especially a lot of potassium in it).

Amino acid asparagine was the first amino acid obtained by humans. It was obtained from asparagus, in honor of which the amino acid got its name. Asparagine is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it has the property of lowering blood pressure and slowing the rhythm of heartbeats. So the benefits of asparagus for the cardiovascular system is obvious.

In addition, the use of asparagus helpsincrease diuresis and accelerate the excretion of urea, phosphates and chlorides from the body. Therefore, asparagus is recommended for eating in diseases of the kidneys, liver and prostate, gout, acute and chronic nephritis, diseases of the bladder and renal pelvis, inflammation of the urinary tract, swelling. And asparagus helps to improve appetite and relieve fatigue.

In general, the benefits of asparagus are known to man since ancient times: it was grown as a medicinal plant in ancient Egypt. In folk medicine, in addition to shoots, asparagus uses its roots and fruits. The above-ground part and roots were used fortreatment of heart diseases, liver diseases, urolithiasis, cystitis, rheumatism, edema, epilepsy, acne, as well as a laxative and antihistamine.

And the fruits of asparagus were used for dysentery and impotence. By the way, still shoots of asparagus are considered aphrodisiac. So you can try to include dishes from asparagus in the menu of a romantic dinner - but what if it works?

Despite the fact that the benefits of asparagus for our body is undeniable, this vegetable has a number of contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to eat asparagus during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, asparagus, like almost any other product, can cause allergies, so if you've never tried asparagus shoots before, introduce it into the diet with caution.

Unfortunately, Asparagus - seasonal vegetable, young shoots appear on sale only in April-June. In addition, the cheap asparagus productit is impossible; its high price is due to the fact that for growing asparagus requires a large area of ​​land, and harvest the shoots by hand. But if you have the opportunity to buy asparagus - do not neglect it, include this delicious and healthy vegetable in your daily menu.

The Benefits of Asparagus
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