Inseparable four: micro and macro elements for child development

Caring for a balanced diet baby -the first duty of parents. But it is important not just to introduce as many greenery and vegetables as possible on the menu, but also to understand the value of this or that product for the health of crumbs. Pediatricians and nutritionists claim: four microelements form the basis of children's immunity - their lack can provoke a lot of unpleasant problems.

Inseparable four: micro and macro elements for child development

Iron is a part of the enzyme complex inhemoglobin - a protein that supplies oxygen to all cells of the body. Its lack in the child's body is fraught with the appearance of anemia, which causes lethargy, dizziness, arrhythmia and shortness of breath. That's why buckwheat porridge, liver, red meat - a standard serving of 100-150 g is so important in the children's diet - is enough to get the daily norm of the substance.

Inseparable four: micro and macro elements for child development

Iodine is involved in the synthesis of thyroxine - the most valuablethyroid hormone. It regulates the processes of growth, mental and physical development, the proper operation of all body systems. Most of all iodine in marine products: fish, algae, shrimp, and also in beef and spinach.

Inseparable four: micro and macro elements for child development

Phosphorus and calcium are an indispensable duo forthe formation of the muscular framework, bones and teeth, improving blood levels, normalizing the work of the nervous system. These macronutrients can not be absorbed without each other properly, therefore, the children's body needs to "saturate" them in an equal proportion. Sources of phosphorus and calcium are sour-milk dishes (especially cottage cheese), egg yolks, hard cheese and legumes.

Inseparable four: micro and macro elements for child development

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