Useful properties of red caviarIn one of the articles of the Land of Soviets you already could learn how to choose red caviar. But the fact is that red caviar is not only very tasty, but also useful. In what exactly are useful properties of red caviar?

Everybody is used to that red caviar is a delicacy that we can not afford to eat every day. But the red caviar is so useful that itsshould be included in the daily diet. Only 2-3 tea spoons of caviar per day will be enough to provide itself with a daily rate of numerous vitamins and very useful polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. Let's take a closer look at the useful properties of red caviar.

Red caviar: useful properties

Despite the fact that usually vitamins we getfrom vegetables and fruits, in products of animal origin they also are. To such products, as you guessed, is the red caviar. It contains a large number of vitamins A, E, D and group B. So, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system. Vitamin E is required for a good skin and hair condition. A great health of bones contributes to vitamin D.

But the benefits of red caviar are not limited to these vitamins. It contains many micro- and macro elements, so necessary for the body: iodine, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, iron, potassium, calcium. Separately it is worth noting that iodine plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. In red caviar, as in any other seafood, its very high content.

What are the other useful properties of red caviar? Natural red caviar consists of amino acids, most of which the human body can not synthesize independently. They have to be received only with food. The composition of red caviar includes a full set of amino acids, which makes this product indispensable.

Red caviar is 30% protein, which belongs to the class of high-value. These proteins are absorbed by the body muchfaster and better than the ones we get from meat or milk. The composition of red caviar also includes easily digestible fats, which have the properties of fish oil. Among these easily assimilated fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. These two fatty acids help to improve brain activity, reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and increase immunity.

Many people have already heard about omega-3 fatty acid: it is a part of fish oil. But omega-6 fatty acid is not so well known. It is also called vitamin F, which is very rare in nature. So, vitamin F can be produced by the human body independently, but an additional source of omega-6 will never interfere. How is red caviar useful in this case? Omega-6 fatty acid, which is found in caviar, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation.

There are also properties of red caviar, which should be mentioned. The caviar contains lecithin, which neutralizes cholesterol, obtained from food of animal origin.

Cautions for use

Despite the fact that red caviar is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and important amino acids, one should never forget that with excessive consumption of any product, certain contraindications may occur.

Because of the saturation of caviar with omega-3 fatty acids in diabetics increases insulin sensitivity. This should be taken into account when including this product in the diet.

Also, never forget, that red caviar is contraindicated to people who should exclude from the diet any foods high in salt: urolithiasis, gout, diseaseskidney, ischemic heart disease. Please note that in caviar, as in any other product of animal origin, there is cholesterol. The cholesterol content in red caviar is high enough. Only with moderate consumption of caviar, cholesterol will not cause any harm to your health.

Because of the high concentration of salt in the caviar, this product should not be used by people who suffer from swelling. As is known, salt retains liquid inbody, which leads to excessive puffiness. Pregnant women should pay attention to this property of red caviar and exclude it from the diet at the first signs of puffiness.

Do not forget that the calorie content of red caviar is very high. In 100 g of red caviar there are 270 kcal, and this is much more than in meat.

Useful properties of red caviar
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