Useful properties of lentils

Lentil is known to people from time immemorial (since the timesNeolithic) and is mentioned even in the Old Testament: Esau, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, sold the birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of lentil soup. Lentil was an important part of the diet of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, and now it is grown in many countries: High nutritional value and useful properties of lentils make it a very valuable food product.
Lentils, like all legumes, are a valuable source of easily digestible plant proteins. This makes it an excellent alternative to dairyand meat products. For vegetarians, lentils can become a very important part of the diet. But even if you do not plan to give up meat and milk, sometimes the body needs to be given a rest from animal proteins - here lentil comes to the rescue. Also in lentils many carbohydrates, so that it can partially replace bread and cereals.
In addition, lentils contain a lot of cellulose, which improves the digestive system. And the useful properties of lentils are due to the fact that it contains a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements, valuable amino acids (for example, tryptophan). Thus, in lentils there is beta-carotene (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), and B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3 / PP), folic acid (B9).
Of the macronutrients the body needslentils contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, sodium. From trace elements - iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, nickel, molybdenum, fluorine, cobalt, chromium, silicon, iodine. By the way, on the content of iron and folic acid lentils - a true record holder. 200 g of lentils are able to meet the daily requirement of man for these nutrients. For better assimilation of iron, lentils need to be eaten with fresh vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Useful properties of lentils have been known to people for a long time. In ancient Rome, doctors treated with lentils nervous disorders and gastric diseases. Liquid lentil broth helps with constipation, andthick has astringent properties and is used to treat certain gastrointestinal diseases. Also, decoction of lentils is recommended for liver diseases and urolithiasis.
Also useful properties of lentils allow to introduce it into the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus: it helps to normalize blood sugar level. Therefore, diabetics are useful from time to time(about twice a week) there are soups, cereals and lentil salads. A lentil puree is useful to eat with digestive diseases (ulcers, colitis, etc.). Also, lentils are recommended for diseases of the nervous and genitourinary systems, metabolic disorders.
To improve immunity and improve the work of the digestive tract can be eaten sprouted grains of lentils. They are a good source of vitamin C. Sprouted lentils are not inferior to sprouted wheat in its useful properties, but taste like fresh green peas.
However, it has lentils and its contraindications. With gout, joint diseases and urine acid diathesis, it is highly recommended not to use lentils. If you are not sure whether you can eat lentils, it is better to consult a doctor.
Be sure to include in your diet useful and nutritious dishes from lentils: a significant part of the useful substances contained in it can withstand thermal treatment, so do not be afraid that in the preparation of soup or cereal all the useful properties of lentils are lost.