How to survive the heat?

How to survive the heat? This issue worries not only people suffering from chronic diseases, but also ordinary healthy people: when a thermometer shows all forty outside the window, this is a serious cause for concern.
The main hazards of heat for most people are dehydration,solar and thermal shocks, sunburn. For people with heart disease or cardiovascular system, kidney heat is dangerous and the occurrence of serious complications.
Temperatures above + 30-35 ° C for our latitudes -a real anomaly, but for the tropics or deserts - this is common. Do you remember what the representatives of the peoples of the deserts usually wear? That's right, in tight robes, turbans. And this is not only protection against burning sand, which throws a deserted wind on the rider, but also protection against overheating. Heavy clothing does not allow moisture to evaporate, the headpiece protects the head from sunstroke.
Of course, dressing in such extravagant European clothes is not worth it, but something can be borrowed. So, To experience the heat, choose from your wardrobe clothes made of light light natural fabrics, for example, cotton or linen. Such fabrics absorb sweat well, let in air. Synthetics are contraindicated.
The head should be covered with a hat, a hat, a cap - your choice. Without this, the risk of getting a sunstroke is huge!
Be dressed in light summer shoes that will provide free air access to your feet: Sandals, sandals, slippers. Men are allowed to wear moccasins or sandals on bare feet, women are advised to give up high heels.
Suitable clothes are a good half of success in the fight against heat. Other, often used by us ways to survive the heat, are soft drinks, desserts and, of course, air conditioners.
No one needs to prove that in the heat should be consumed a large amount of liquid - The feeling of thirst, haunting us in hot weather, itself tells us about it. However, you should pay attention to what you are drinking.
You can drink chilled juices "with sourness": from light grapes, oranges, grapefruit. Gently use juices from dark grape varieties, pomegranate juice, as these juices increase the density of blood.
The best drink for quenching thirst in the heat is tea, and hot. Inhabitants of hot countries use hot teaSo. Hot tea gives a sweatshop effect, and sweat, as is known, is the best means of thermoregulation of the human body. In addition, tea promotes the "dilution" of blood, and therefore reduces the risk of blood clots.
Thirst can also be quenched with mineral water without gas or ordinary slightly salted water. The fact that salt has the property to hold water in the body, so drinking salt water will save you from dehydration.
Overcome the heat to you completely will not help cold beer, fizzy drinks. First, they even want to drink more, andsecondly, "ice" water, and even with gas - this is the right path to a cold. In addition, the use of beer or other alcoholic beverages in the heat increases blood pressure, palpitations increase - this can trigger a hypertensive crisis!
With regard to chilled desserts and food in general, then in the heat should be very carefully taken to eat. Overcome the heat will help to avoid excessive consumption of fatty "heavy" dishes in favor of light vegetable and dairy. It is not advisable to use such delicacies in the heat as cakes, cakes, pies - they are all "heavy" for the stomach.
To experience the heat helps fractional food: often in small portions. The main meal is best transferred to a later time, but do not forget that you can not eat before bed. Try not to refuse breakfast, but if "does not climb" - do not force yourself violently.
Cooking food in the heat should be small portions,because in this weather, all products deteriorate faster. So forget about the habit of cooking a huge soup pan for a week - there will not be any benefit from such a soup.
And, finally, about air conditioners. This, undoubtedly, a useful invention can help to survive the heat, but at the same time can bring a lot of harm. At first, the air conditioner can work effectively only if the outside is not above + 43 ° C (depending on the model), for higher temperatures, special models are needed.
Secondly, standing under the air conditioner, you risk catching a cold, because often the temperature of the jet of air coming from the air conditioner is 13-15 degrees lower than the temperature in the room.
If there is no air conditioner, then to weather the heat will help folk remedies. You can curtain the window with wet sheets,dense blinds - this will help reduce the temperature in the room. Also, a hot-water bottle with ice will help - putting it at night on the bed, you will ensure a decrease in temperature in the room by 2-3 degrees.
Heat is a serious test for the body, so Do not load it with heavy physical exercises or heavy physical labor. Especially it is not recommended to engage in physical activity in the "rush hour" - from 11-12 to 17-18 hours, when the solar activity is maximum. Remember the custom of siesta in hot countries ...
Heat is not only physical and emotional discomfort, it is a serious danger to the body. therefore try to observe the basic rules of behavior in hot weather and then experiencing the heat you will be much easier.