How to drink and what to eat chachu
Chacha is a fairly strong drinkNorth Caucasian origin, to be more precise, it is Georgian or Abkhaz. Some even call it grape brandy, and most of the Russian - grape vodka. The standard strength of the drink does not exceed 50 degrees, but there are species, the strength of which reaches up to 60 degrees.
Chacha is made mainly from grapes, but the compositionit can not be called homogeneous, it contains traces of tangerines, persimmons, figs, oranges and mulberry. Since this drink is very original, and its strength is very high, there are special rules by which it should be drunk. Let's consider in detail how to drink chachu?
On what occasions can you drink Chachu
In the homeland of this drink, that is, in the Caucasus, theydo not abuse, as, for example, in Russia. Usually chachu drink small glasses in dull and rainy weather. By the way, many consider this tradition a pledge of the famous Caucasian longevity. In the morning the chacha disperses the blood and does not freeze and get sick.
Of course, this drink is an inseparablepart of any family event, as well as treat them to expensive guests who visited the house. At any self-respecting owner, a bottle of Chacha necessarily stands at home, since it can be useful not only for meeting guests, but also serves as a symbol of longevity and stability in the house. Initially chachu was used only as an aperitif, over time it became an integral part of any feast and informal event.
How to drink Chachu
Despite the high strength of the drink, drink itit is necessary exclusively in pure form. Of course, for a long time already invented a variety of cocktails, which include chacha, but to find them will have to work hard, because they are a real delicacy. Still, in the Caucasus Chachu is preferred to drink in pure form with small glasses, a variety of snacks give variety to the drink.
Than to have a chuck chachu
It is believed that drinking chachu must be withsnack, because because of its strength, it can immediately lead to intoxication, or even to severe poisoning of the body. As a snack can serve a variety of products. So, for example, in Western Georgia it is customary to eat chacha with sweets, and in Eastern Georgia - with pickles. But this is only in cases when a small glass is drunk, if it is a feast where a fair amount of alcohol is drunk, the snack should be appropriate.
In Abkhazia, however, about snackszamorachivayutsya, chachu seize what is on the table. Even in Abkhazia, there is a tradition of drinking chacha with dry wine, of course, you need to have excellent health for this. According to the rules, after a couple of cups of Chacha, a glass of wine is drunk, and again you can start drinking chacha. In Russia, it is common to eat chacha in the same way as our vodka, that is, abundantly and satisfyingly, that would not quickly get drunk.
Perfect in this case, vegetables and meat,various salads and delicacies. There are, of course, also exotic options for Chachi snacks, for example, it is sometimes washed down with milk. According to those who tried to do this, milk is able to protect the body from alcohol poisoning, while drinking chachi can be very much, this will not affect your health.
In Russia, those who use chacha, Caucasiantradition is very rare. To drink chacha in its pure form, many do not allow health, or a situation when one does not want to get drunk too quickly. For such cases, came up with a large number of cocktails, and if the bars come across them very rarely, then you can cook one of them at home without any problems, you just need to know the correct recipe.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko