How to drink liquor

All liqueurs are divided into three main types: strong, dessert and creams. Traditionally, liqueurs are served at the end of the meal as a DJ (a drink that helps digest food). Drink liquor can be "in pure form" (undiluted), and diluted with water, soda or juice. Some types of liqueurs are usually served with coffee or tea.
Also very popular cocktails with liquor (abouta third of all alcoholic cocktails contain liquor). Since there are a lot of different liquors (fruit, berry, cream, coffee, herbs, even egg), the range of cocktails with liqueurs is very wide. In a cocktail, the liqueur can serve as a base, tonic base, flavor or sweetener.
Depending on the type of liqueurs in cocktails combinewith strong alcoholic beverages (wolf, gin, brandy, whiskey, cognac), various wines (including vermouth), as well as cream, milk, hot chocolate, ice cream, juices (most often citrus). Some liqueurs add to coffee as a flavoring and sweetening agent.
Drink liquor in its pure form is taken from special liqueur wine glasses (in English such glasses are calledcordial glass); this is a small glass on a leg with a volume of 25-60 ml. Despite the small volume of a glass, it is necessary to drink liquor not in a gulp, but in small sips, savoring. A glass of cocktails with liqueur is chosen depending on the type and volume of the cocktail. If the liqueur is served in its pure form, but with ice (on the rocks), it is usually poured into a glass of oldfashion (a glass for whiskey).
By the way, is it necessary to cool the liqueur before serving? It depends on the particular liquor. The taste of some liquors is better revealed when the beverage is served in a cooled form or with the addition of ice. For example, the Czech "Becherovka" is usually served very chilled, and ice cream Baileys can add ice. But the sambucu, on the contrary, is set on fire before serving, then extinguishes the fire and drinks the liquor while it is still warm. For some liquors, the optimum delivery temperature is room temperature, as they cool down strongly during cooling, and their taste becomes worse.
Is it necessary to have a liqueur? Most liquors are not too strong, soyou can safely drink liquor without having a snack. If you definitely want to give a liqueur snack, you should remember a few important points. Most of the liqueurs are perfectly combined with fruits and desserts, while it is important to ensure that between the liquor and the snack there is not too much taste contrast.
So, chocolate, coffee and creamy liqueurs well combined with coffee, biscuits or pastries. TO fruit and berry liqueurs it is best to serve the appropriate fruit and berries or desserts based on them. Herbal liqueurs usually perfectly combined with citrus fruits (lemons, oranges).
In general, it is very difficult to say unequivocally how to drink liquor properly, because some liqueurs have their own specific feeding characteristics. So, the Irish liqueur Sheridans is sold in two-piece bottles. In one half of this bottle there is vanilla-creamy liqueur, in the second - coffee or berry. When "Sheridans" is poured into a glass, its components are poured out in a ratio of 1: 2 layers (creamy is at the top). Egg liqueur "Lawyer" so thick that when you serve it in its pure form, you should serve a spoon with a drink.
If you are not sure how to properly use a particular liquor, just follow the general rules: pour the drink into a small glass and serve at the very end of the meal.