How to drink tequilaThe country of the Soviets has already told us how to drink champagne, vodka and cognac. But on the eve of the New Year holidays it will be useful to learn about the culture of drinking other alcoholic beverages. So, How correctly to drink tequila, whiskey and absinthe?

How to drink tequila

Tequila is national Mexican drink, made from an agave plant. Mexicans are very sensitive to the culture of drinking tequila. They already know exactly how to drink tequila!

If you drink tequila for the first time, do not try to drinka shot in one gulp. First try the drink quite a bit and feel its taste. Believe me, if I take a shot of a bad tequila with a volley, it can for a long time discourage the desire to try the tequila again. By the way, on the label of quality tequila should be written "100% agave." The real tequila is produced in Mexico, in the state of Jalisco. The rest of the countries just pour it into bottles.

Mexicans usually drink pure tequila from small glasses with a massive bottom, not mixing a drink with anything. Some tasters prefer glasses with a narrowed top. But the most famous way to use tequila - with salt and lime. To do this, you need to pour salt on the back of the palm, lick the salt, topple the glass with tequila and eat a quarter of lime. Lemon can only be used if there is no lime.

Tequila can be washed down. Slaughter mixture for washing tequila - non-alcoholic cocktail Sangrita (lime juice, tomato juice and chili pepper). And you can just eat a small pod of chili before you drink tequila. You can mix tequila with tonic (this method is called rapido, "Fast"). To do this, a glass with a tequila and tonic (1: 1 ratio) is covered with a hand or a napkin, sharply shaken, striking the table, and drank with a volley.

How to drink absinthe properly

Absinthe is made on the basis of bitter wormwood tincture and most often has a green color. This drink contains 70% alcohol, and the effect of its use can be unpredictable, so with absinthe you need to be very careful!

To make the drink less bitter, it is diluted with cold water, which is poured through a cube of sugar, lying on a special spoon. Water precipitates the essential oils of Artemisia, so dilute absinthe becomes turbid. It is best to dilute absinthe in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 5. There are several ways to drink absinthe.

How to drink absinthe: Russian way

First, sugar syrup is prepared, for this sugarmust be dissolved in water. Then sugar syrup is poured into absinthe in the right proportion. You can also drink absinthe with evaporation of alcoholic vapors: first you inhale the pairs through the cocktail tube, and then finish the warm absinthe. Some drink undiluted absinthe in small portions (about 30 g), but real connoisseurs of the drink do not recommend this method.

How to drink absinthe: Czech way

How to drink absinthe properlyTake a special spoon with holes orpatterns (see the figure), through it, one part of absinthe is passed through large drops. Then sugar is ignited, and the resulting substance drips absinthe. The resulting mixture is diluted with three parts water. The resulting liquid can catch fire, so be careful! If the absinthe has caught fire, immediately add water - the drink will lose its strength and go out. You can also heat a special spoon, put a cube of sugar on it and pour absinthe on it - then absinthe will get warmed up.

How to drink absinthe: French way

One part of the absinthe is poured into a glass, on the side ofit is put a special spoon. It puts a cube of sugar, and through it are poured into a glass three parts of the water. Sugar dissolves in water, respectively, the water will be sweet and help reduce the bitterness of absinthe. They say that the French feminists drank absinthe like this - only without sugar. Instead of water, you can mix absinthe with crushed ice (the proportions are the same, 1: 3).

How to drink whiskey

Whiskey came to us from Scotland. Strict rules for the use of whiskey, but the Scots in response to the question "How to drink whiskey?" rule of five S:

  • sight - admire

  • smell - smell

  • swish - to soak

  • swallow - swallow

  • splash - to dilute

Whiskey drink about the same as cognac. First you need to inhale the aroma of the drink and feel the whole range of smell. Then, sip the whiskey and hold the drink in your mouth a little, to feel its rich taste and soak the drink. Then you can take the first sip. After that whiskey can and should be diluted with water - so the aroma and taste of the drink will unfold much more fully.

A popular American way of drinking whiskey is whiskey with ice - fundamentally wrong. Ice binds the volatile components of the drink, notgiving the scent of whiskey to open. Real Scots drink warm whiskey, warming it in their hands. By the way, a mixture of whiskey with hot tea or water is a great way to fight a cold!

How to drink whiskey
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