Chocolate EasterCurd Easter can be cooked with a variety of additives - nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits, honey, lemon, vanilla. And if you add Cocoa in Easter, you will get chocolate easter.

Chocolate Easter

For the preparation of chocolate Easter we will take:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese

  • 300 g of butter

  • 2 tbsp. Sahara

  • 6 tablespoons sour cream

  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder

  • 0.25 tsp. salt

  • vanilla to taste

  • black chocolate for decoration

Butter is kept at room temperature, until it becomes soft, and then rubed to the consistency of sour cream. Add sugar, cocoa powder, salt and vanillin to the oil.

Dry fresh curds are wiped through a sieve. Add the sour cream to the wiped cottage cheese and mix well. Gradually, in small portions, enter the curd mass into a mixture of butter, cocoa and sugar. Thoroughly mix everything. When the mass acquires a uniform chocolate shade, we pass the Passover into the pasochnitsu under the press. We put for a day in a cold place.

When Easter is ready, we shift it from the form to a dish and sprinkle it with grated black chocolate.

Bon Appetit!

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