The dog whines: what to do?
Sometimes it is difficult for owners to understand their pets: a dog can not say aloud what troubles her, or what she wants, and it is not always possible to "decipher" the language of dogs. What to do, for example, if your dog whines?
In general, the variety of sounds produced by dogs,is due to the fact that by nature the dogs are schooling animals. There is a hierarchy in the pack, and for the successful interaction of the members of the pack, different methods of communication are needed among themselves. Therefore, the dogs have well developed various means of communication, including voice communication.
If the dog whines, then it wants to tell something to other members of the pack (and in the case of a domestic dog, the owner and family members may be equated to them). For example, small puppies whine to attract the attention of the mother. These sounds have a calming effect on adult dogs, reducing their possible aggressiveness in relation to other puppies. That is why adult dogs, as a rule, never offend puppies.
Bitches whine, if they have take away puppies. It happens that the dog whines at a falsepregnancy, if it took away an object that performs the role of a puppy (soft toy, slippers, etc.). If a false pregnancy repeats repeatedly, and you do not plan to have puppies, it is better to sterilize the dog. This is done not so much so that she ceases to whine, how many to avoid unpleasant complications during subsequent false pregnancies.
Sometimes a dog whines as a sign of reconciliation after a conflict or recognizing the superiority of the enemy (including the owner). Often, the owners take such a whine for admitting guilt. But if the dog whines, it does not mean that she realized that gnawing furniture is wrong, and decided not to do it any more. She just tries to show the owner that she recognizes her low position on the hierarchical ladder and does not pretend to lead. So from gnawed furniture it does not insure you.
Often a dog whines From excitation, if it can not get the desired. Sports dogs can whine beforeperformance or training, waiting for his turn. Domestic dogs can whine while waiting for a walk. If the dog likes to swim, she can whine when she is not allowed into the water. On a walk, the dog whimpers, if it is not allowed to "meet" and interact with other dogs.
Some owners think that their dog whines with pain, but it is not. The sound that the dog emits when it hurts is more likely to be called a groan. And then dogs usually groan only because of severe pain, in other cases they suffer pain silently. Sometimes (if the owner encourages such behavior), the dog can stretch the injured paw to the owner, but it whimsens very seldom.
Do not think that the dog whines out of harm, to annoy you: she just talks like this, not knowing another way to inform youcertain information. The dog can not say: "I want to walk!", So she has to whine. Sometimes all you need is to scratch it behind your ear, showing that you are here, that you love it and remember it.
What if the dog whines for the slightest reason? Can I somehow wean her to whine? Yes, it is possible, but keep in mind that if your dog has already come out of puppyhood, you may need a lot of patience and perseverance. In no case be aggressive.
The easiest way to wean a dog is to whine - this is ignore her. The dog's whine, like the crying of little children,this is a kind of manipulation, an attempt to get what you want. If this does not lead to the desired result, the dog will stop whining when he sees that it is useless.
Another way - suddenly distract the dog. It is suitable if your petknows how to execute commands. If the dog starts to whine, give her several commands in a row. This will make her focus on the execution of commands, and she will stop whining.
And most importantly - as much as possible play with the dog at a time when it does not whine. If ignoring is a negativereinforcement (the dog understands how one can not do), then the games are positive. The dog sees that you play with it with great pleasure when she does not whine, and understands that the less she whines, the more attention she gets.