French Bolognese (Bichon Frize)French Bolognese - very populardecorative breed of dogs. In fact, the colloquial name "French lapdog" combines two breeds - Bolognese and Bichon Frize. Today, the Land of Soviets will tell about breed bocheon bichon frize.

The French lap dog Bichon Frize is a small dog from 15 to 30 cm in height, and the same - in length. "Bichon Frize" is translated from French as "Curly lapdog". The name is truly "speaking", because the French lap-bishon frize has a soft, silky curly hair up to 30 cm long. By standard, the bichon frieze lapon can only be white.

French Bolognese - cheerful, active, brave and playful dog. But by its nature it is absolutely not aggressive. Bichon frize has a difficult character, but they can easily find a common language with their masters. Bison pups of bichon frize are quite easy to train and trained, and they are very fond of serving their master.

The French lapdog is not at all irritable. Bozon Bichon Frize faithful and affectionate, very smart and able to easily adapt to any conditions. These loving and cheerful dogs love society very much. They are happy to play with children. In response they need your care, love and affection. Raising these dogs is better gently - they are quite touchy.

French bichon frieze lap - smalla companion dog, so you can keep it even in a small apartment. This breed of dogs is great for living in the city. They can even be accustomed to the tray, but this does not mean that you can give up walks. French Bolognese needs regular walks: active movements and fresh air help her to maintain good health. In addition, she is very attached to the owner and does not like to remain alone.

Care for the bichon frieze lapon is quite simple. If you have a dog for your own pleasure and do not intend to represent it at exhibitions, then the standard procedures for caring for a dog you should be enough. But special attention should be paid to grooming your lap dog.

The French lap-dog needs constant maintenance of the wool in proper condition. You need regularly bathe and comb your pet. This may seem difficult, because the wool of the bishon breeze is white, curly and very thick. In fact, it's not so difficult: the wool of this breed of dog is silky, it is not confused much, and daily combing is not a problem.

French Bolognese very clean and almost no shedding. General haircut is needed every three months, exceptaddition, you need to regularly cut the hair on the muzzle and paws. After a walk, you need to wash your dog's paws, but this applies to any breed. And completely to bathe a lap-dog it is necessary once a month (if it goes in a tray - that more often, time in two-three weeks).

Bichon Frize are distinguished by strong health and with proper care live 15-17 years. The only problem you can face is food allergy, to which many white dogs tend. Avoiding allergies will help properly selected, balanced diet and not share food with her from his table.

French Bolognese (Bichon Frize) - faithful companion dog, which is sincerely attached to its owner. Its popularity is due to its beautiful appearance, cheerful character, noble manners and good health. Bichon bichon frize is quite capable of becoming a favorite of your family.

French Bolognese (Bichon Frize)
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