French dietInterestingly, someone believed how much there isin the world of various diets? All of them are designed to quickly lose weight. That's why women have to give up their favorite products in order to regain the former harmony of the figure. But what if you do not want to limit yourself to certain dishes? Then you should definitely pay attention to the French diet. The country of the Soviets will tell you what advantages it has French diet.

To begin with, it should be noted that at the moment there are two varieties of the French diet. One of them (a truly French diet)is aimed at drastically reducing the amount of food consumed. It's not that you will starve. The essence of such a diet is to start eating properly and eat food in small portions. No restriction in nutrition in such a diet is provided. You can eat all your favorite dishes, but only in small portions. This is especially true for holidays. During the feast try not to impose a full plate of food. Limit yourself just a small portion.

Also, one should not forget that during the French diet you can not use any semi-finished products. Your food should be healthy and fresh. Do not limit yourself to meat and fish. You can also drink a glass of red wine. But all the same it is not necessary to forget, that from some products it is necessary to refuse. To your French diet has brought you the desired result, you will have to abandon the mayonnaise and light margarine. Replace these foods with olive oil and butter. Also, the French diet requires that a good half of your diet consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.

But the French diet for weight loss will not be so effective if you forget about a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget that you will need keep oneself in good physical shape. Do not lie in the evening on the couch, but rather go to the gym. You will see how soon you will enter the rhythm of such a full movement of life.

The second type of the French diet is based on the fact that you sharply limit yourself in the consumption of carbohydrates. In this you can find similarities with the Japanese diet. The paradox, but neither the French nor Japanese diets have anything to do with the true menu of countries in whose honor they are called.

This restrictive the French diet is designed for 14 days. During this time it is forbidden to usesalt, sugar and alcohol. Various spices, which can cause an appetite, also should be excluded from your menu. The main advantage of the French diet is that you can drink liquid in any amount. There is no restriction on the use of coffee or tea. And do not forget that in the evenings you should definitely drink a glass of kefir. We will tell in detail how to eat to lose weight on this diet for two weeks (the diet of the second week is similar to the first one).

French diet: menu for the week

Day 1. Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar. For lunch, prepare a salad of two boiled eggs, one tomato and lettuce leaves. For dinner, prepare a salad of lean beef (100 g) and lettuce leaves.

Day 2. For breakfast, have a cup of coffee and eat a slice of rye bread. For lunch, you can eat 100 grams of boiled beef. For dinner, eat 100 g of boiled sausage or ham and lettuce leaves.

Day 3. For breakfast, as always, a cup of coffee and a slicerye bread. For lunch, eat a mandarin or an orange, a tomato. You should also eat a medium-sized carrot, fried in vegetable oil. For dinner, cook two eggs. Add to them low-fat sausage and a leaf salad.

Day 4. And again for breakfast, have a cup of coffee and eatone cracker. Your dinner will consist of one fresh carrot, a boiled egg and a couple of pieces of cheese. For dinner, prepare a fruit salad and drink a glass of yogurt.

Day 5. For breakfast, rub one carrot and season it with lemon juice. For dinner, eat boiled fish and one tomato. For dinner you can eat a piece of boiled meat.

Day 6. Drink a cup of coffee in the morning. For lunch, cook a boiled chicken and a serving of lettuce. For dinner, eat a piece of cooked meat.

Day 7. For breakfast, have a cup of tea. For lunch, cook the boiled meat. Also in the lunch diet should include fruit. For dinner, eat a little lean ham or sausage.

French diet
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