Which dog is better?

Dog - this is not just an animal, over which youdominate and whom you command. She is also your best friend, so it's very difficult to choose exactly the dog that would become it. You do not know, which dog is better just for you? Then read about what a friend can become a dog.
Many owners several months after the acquisition of the dog are thinking about where to give it, because they do not need it anymore. Now the most important thing - before you buy a dog, it should be goodTo think whether you need it. Will you take care of her, feed her, educate and educate her? This is not just a "load", which will make no sense to hang out with you. A dog is the "face" of the owner, so your dog should look great. He should be healthy and cheerful, because you are the same.
The dog needs attention, so you need to allocate a pair of it a dayhours besides walking. If you can not, then you will not get on with your friend. If you take a dog for your child, then you will have another creature that will require care and attention. So, are you sure you want to buy a dog? Then the choice of the breed is very important, in order to make sure which dog is better. This factor is influenced by several other circumstances.
Your place of residence
If you live in a private house, and the dog will beto live on the street, then take a dog of large or medium breed with a thick coat, so that the animal does not freeze in the cold. But if your place of residence is an apartment, then it is worth buying a medium or small dog, for example, a pug or toy-terrier. It's nice when the pug lies next to you, buried in blankets.
Laziness and free time
Suppose you often come late from work(fatigue makes itself felt) and you boldly fall over the sofa. Then it is better to buy a dog with a short coat, which will be unpretentious in care. Short hair does not require any care, except for periodic washing with shampoo. The best option is that dog that does not need to walk often. It can be
Decide on your intentions about the dog
If you are looking for the best friend in the guise of a dog, then you will perfectly suit cur. This little inconspicuous doggie is famous for itsdevotion more than any thoroughbred dog with a long pedigree. But if you are overpowered with commercial ideas, then to breed or to participate in exhibitions you need a good pedigree dog with an excellent pedigree. Although it is difficult to determine whether your dog will become the winner of the exhibitions, if his parents were also winners. For example, the first places were taken by those dogs whose parents were not glorified at such events.
So, the breed is a bit defined. Now you must arrange an apartment before the appearance of a dog. Buy a few toys, arrange a place forrest (it can be a pillow or bedding), prepare a bowl for food and for water. Also buy a leash, muzzle and dog care products, such as shampoo, combs, brushes.
Now a little about the rocks. Which dog is better, you will determine for yourself, but now your attention three most popular pets: border collie, German shepherd and poodle. Broder Collie - smart, hardy, unpretentious dog. It is very amenable to training and training, so it is often used as a guide for the blind. This dog will become a faithful friend and attentive caretaker or shepherd. German Shepherd - excellent guard, defender and friend. Often seen such a dog in the series? Yes, she is intelligent and, with proper training, is disciplined. Poodles should not be underestimated. Did you know that these dogs are saving people on the water and are good observers? Know also that large representatives of breed can become excellent defenders.