Why do men have lovers

Unfortunately, the rule "not from the good of good" is not always working in relationships: adultery is a fairly frequent occurrence. Like any other act, treason has some roots. Why do men have mistresses?
If a man has a mistress, this does not mean that he stopped loving his wife. This means that in marriage, he is missing something (and not necessarily sex). And to answer the question, why menturn the mistress, you need to understand what a man may not be missing in a permanent relationship. Although there are other causes of adultery, which we will also talk about.
Let's begin all the same with "low-lying matter" - with sex. Usually men seek sex on the side for two reasons. The first is a thirst for novelty. Gradually, sex with a legitimate spouse turns into routine, sexual life becomes monotonous. As a result, a man looks for variety on the side.
The second reason is sexual taboos. There are things in sex that a man wantstry, but can not do this with a permanent partner (or she does not allow, or he himself raises it to a certain pedestal, believing that his beloved woman does not have to satisfy his "dirty wishes"). To violate these taboos and need a mistress.
However, not always change is tied only with sex. A man can also change because he lacks emotional support and closeness. Relationships are held not only on sex, verya sense of psychological comfort is important. If the wife is beautiful, well-groomed and relaxed in bed, but at the same time leads the husband to constant reproaches, he can change. Men also need sensitivity, tenderness and understanding.
A man can also change ... for the sake of gain. It is believed that to pursue his own through the bed is peculiar to women, however A strong sex can also use his spell for career growth. In this case, an influential woman becomes a mistress, who can give him protection.
And if a man has already reached a high social status, A young and beautiful mistress can be for him a sign of this very status, as an expensive suit or a Swiss watch. In this case, no sex or feelings are involved. It is rather a mutually beneficial transaction: a mistress in this case needs money, a man - a beautiful accessory.
Another reason for betrayal is love or even love. No matter how regrettable it is to admit,a man can stop loving you and fall in love with another woman. Almost on Bulgakov: he walked along the street, and towards him - a stranger with yellow flowers in his hands. And everything, both are struck by love, "so striking is the lightning, so the Finnish knife hits."
Of course, the circumstances of their meeting may be less romantic, but the fact remains: from spontaneous love no one is immune. However, here there are nuances: if a man fell in love with another woman, most likely, his feelings for you have already faded away on their own, and he just met him at the right time. And sometimes a man meets a woman whom he loved before you, and understands that feelings have not passed their feelings.
Of course, love can be easily confused with a sudden surge of passion (especially his wife, who does not look like a mistress in her eyes).saw and does not know what her husband's relationship with her is only sexual or emotional as well). So if you want to keep a family, it's worth waiting and not hacking the spit, leaving your husband first. If the husband really fell in love with another woman, he is likely to leave. But if it turns out that this is not love, perhaps you can forgive treason and stay together.
As you can see, there are different reasons whymen have mistresses. And the most dangerous of them are those that are related to the emotional sphere (new love, lack of emotional intimacy in relations with you). So do not think that men are primitive creatures who only need borsch and sex. Give a man love and attention, then he is unlikely to look "left."